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  1. Plebeian

    SRC Elections 2005

    I hope that post was a joke because the inherent self-contradiction is amazing. Firstly you tell someone off for making generalisations, then come out with some massively unjustified statement about how students follow Labor policies because they want to be cool. Most people in the Labor club...
  2. Plebeian

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    supercharged, before you climb too high onto the moral high ground, see if you can find a true equivalent to the Tiananmen Square massacre in recent American history.
  3. Plebeian

    SRC Elections 2005

    Fortunately for us, I highly doubt that will happen. Even someone with the political skills of Tony Abbott didn't manage the Presidency as a Liberal. The fact is that Liberal policy is generally not in the best interests of students, and recent Young Liberal doctrines like "trash motels so that...
  4. Plebeian

    Update me on VSU

    At the risk of saying something obvious because I haven't trawled through most of this thread: There are also lots of apolitical people who are against VSU, you couldn't have rallies with thousands of people if only the members of the Labor Club and Socialist Alternative were showing up. And...
  5. Plebeian

    Trials :)

    Remember most History Ext. trials are worth almost nothing so your focus should mainly be on the feedback you get, not the mark :).
  6. Plebeian

    SRC Elections 2005

    I think they were wet-chalked, which means they won't come off; if they are, that's against university policy though Choice is not the only faction to have broken the rules in this way (as evidenced by the Subski / News UnLtd remains). Also, Gordo, if you're concerned about the cost of...
  7. Plebeian

    SRC Elections 2005

    There is clearly inefficiency in the Union that needs to be addressed, and there is universal recognition of this. However, that doesn't mean that any Union outlet that makes a loss does so solely because of mismanagement; there are other factors to consider too, like the fact that the food is...
  8. Plebeian

    SRC Elections 2005

    Although it is obvious that the anti-VSU protest was more extensively organised than the pro-VSU one, I still think Tom has provided almost zero evidence that his views, not those of the left, are believed by the mainstream. And yes, I am on the Labor Students ticket.
  9. Plebeian

    SRC Elections 2005

    Browsing the NUS website makes it apparent that the majority of these campaigns are in fact student-related. A lot of the examples that get bandied around like the trip to Baxter are not nearly as bad as they are made out to be. There were about 6 students from USyd who attended, and each of...
  10. Plebeian

    SRC Elections 2005

    Whether or not you agree with the positions taken by the elected members of the SRC, and the collectives, this is hardly a major problem. The costs associated with these issues that you term non-student-related are extremely minimal in the scheme of things. According to figures taken from the...
  11. Plebeian

    Useful Quotes and Notes

    Copied verbatim from my notes, sorry if quote fragments don't make sense. Look up the context yourself, they're mostly from the book of readings. Ancients – didactic / narrative / nationalist Herodotus: “record the astonishing achievements both of our own and of other peoples.”...
  12. Plebeian

    extension history for trials!!!!!

    The whole course is historiography. blink rock's teacher is either unbelievably bad, and hasn't even read the syllabus, or blink rock didn't quite get what historiography is. To answer the original question, the first question (if set by a competent teacher, that is :rolleyes: ) should give...
  13. Plebeian

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    Unfortunately, I don't think it will. Harry is simply not good enough to be able to defeat Voldemort with magic alone. It's going to involve some random thing to do with love and friendship, possibly the fact that Snape, Pettigrew and Malfoy all in a way owe something to the forgiveness of Harry...
  14. Plebeian

    Classes of one student

    Thanks for replies, everyone. I have no idea who omar is :).
  15. Plebeian

    Classes of one student

    I apologise if this has been asked before. Do classes with only one student simply allocate a #1 rank to that student, irrespective of what marks they achieve in their assessments (assuming they make serious attempts)? If so, does this student then receive his/her own HSC mark as the...
  16. Plebeian

    MW Marks

    People who got good/full marks should perhaps consider posting their essay to the resources section, so that others can see what a good essay should be like. Hopefully they won't get plagiarised, it would be interesting to know whether anyone handed in my Pearl Harbor essay this year :) .
  17. Plebeian

    lazy teachers

    Actually, teaching like that is not such a bad method, but it only works in some circumstances. Rather than give up, I'd suggest you try to do a good job of your presentation, and hope that everyone else does the same. Be prepared with questions to ask the presenters, to ensure you understand...
  18. Plebeian

    Physics - Motions Graph Displacement VS Time

    If you're going to try to get other people to do your homework for you ( :rolleyes: ), at least tell them what behaviour the displacement-time graphs are supposed to be showing. Anyone can draw random lines on a set of axes.
  19. Plebeian


    Firstly, AtticusFinch, shut up. This is a place for constructive comment, not frightening people who are uncertain and come for help. On topic, the actual quote from the syllabus (p.26-7) is: So technically, it doesn't matter whether you're studying it or not, you're not meant to do it. I...
  20. Plebeian

    Who got elected onto the union?

    I think there is a $2000 payment that they can choose to take if they wish. Not sure though, someone else might know better. edit: Withoutaface, you were sitting closer to Chris than I was. What was he talking about when he contested Alex's claim that engineering was a four-year degree? Was...