Search results

  1. B

    Your parents view on HSC

    Quite supportive, well mum is ( i dont think my dad even knows what year im in at school and overly concerned that im not getting enough sleep and not eating enough.
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    George bush ( the Joke that went too far )

    There are so many ppl impersonating politicans on BOS!!! oh shut up you :P
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    George bush ( the Joke that went too far )

    Yes perhaps i should have mentioned that one first... bugger... but do we have actual figures on the amount of civillians killed during the war? is it really 10 000's?
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    How good are your teachers?

    English teachers 2,3,4 = total legends Math teacher 2,3= very supportive pushes you to work really hard and sets HEAPS of homework, but thats benifical in HSC yr Chem teacher= total bloody moron Physics teacher= she's teaching us the entire course backwards...
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    George bush ( the Joke that went too far )

    The guy is such an idiot at least 500 people (soilders) died in that war... mostly American too. What a tacky thing to say!
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    can get a UAI estimate please? pretty please??

    LOL im no english freak! i just have VERY VERY good teachers...
  7. B

    Help with focus subjects

    try using SAM and play around with the marks to see what you need for a UAI of 80. You have ten units SO you need to be efficent and do well in ALL of these units. Look at your weaknesses in each of your subjects and try to improve them ( or get your tecacher to identify them for you)
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    Help with focus subjects

    well ive been told (dont quote me on this) that a good math mark will help you ALOT for comp eng... so i would focus on Math more and try to bring up your marks b/c alot of engineering courses are maths based
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    Report warns of climate catastrophe

    Only a dickhead like George W Bush would say something like that :P
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    help with estimate please

    i dont think that they'll pull down your marks that much because your comming about first and doing VERY well. Dont worry about the class average just try to keep comming in the top 5
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    can get a UAI estimate please? pretty please??

    Um i dont think you can out raw marks into SAM... i thought my physics mark was bad because i wasnt in the top half of the class (rank 8/12) i dont think 80% is bad... lol I go to PLC, my assessments arent easy but then again thier not James Ruse standard or anything but as you can see from...
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    Which Topic Is Hardest?

    Binomial Theorem, Induction yuck yuck yuck....
  13. B

    Scaling question

    well concenrate on english because it HAS to count keep up your marks in eco math 2u and software (congrats on doing well) and chem and math ext dont have to count because you are doing 13 units
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    help with estimate please

    yes, as two units of english HAVE to count so the higher your marks in english are the better
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    Scaling question

    Your subjects scale quite well, especially Chemistry,Physics and economics and your maths too. BUT you can get above 90 with ANY subject combination... like Xayma says put heaps of effort in (especially in your english) and you'll be fine.
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    can get a UAI estimate please? pretty please??

    i know its really early in the year, but i was wondering if i could get an estimate just to scare me into working harder... School rank 21st : about 50% of people get over 90 UAI Subject: mark rank English advanced: 23/25 5/98 Extension English: 18/20...
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    Critical Response crisis

    im starting with one and ending with one, using quotes is very effective but dont over do it.
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    Ext 2 English + Ext 2 Maths??

    Im doing maths ext 2 and english ext 2 right now and yes the work load is extreme, maths more than english
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    Where u up to now?

    whoa well done, i wrote 1000 words and then deleted the entire thing... thats how BAD it was grrrr