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    New world record

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    Maths Extension 2

    But it depends on the paper. Last year the highest mark in our extension one class was 80% due to the difficulty of the paper so i'd look at rank rather than marks. Do Extension 2 if your in the top half of your class or are prepared to work at least 2.5 hours a day on math
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    yup ok, im going to ANU seeya there ziff and Sarah
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    Dual Nationality/Citizenship, or Dual Passportholdership

    yup i have dual citizenship Singapore and Australia. but when i turn 18 i have to decide between the two because singapore does not allow dual citizenship
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    haven't made a real start? join the club

    May i join to please? To become an executive do i have to bribe you with chocolate? :p
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    ANU Explore Arts Day (21st May)

    lol i might go, depends if i can be bothered :D
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    i need advice....

    Should i do Law/ commerce at ANU? What is the Uni like in terms of... 1. Social life 2. Teaching methods 3. Reputation in the field of law thanks people;)
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    school holidays!!...yay !

    lol As for me... im going to be studying. But im not doing anything over the Easter weekend
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    Jillby, get a punching bag and go for your life! Trust me its a great way to get rid of frustration. Also remind yourself that youve worked really hard for these exams and theres no point stuffing them up due to stress. :D
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    anyone go to PLC sydney??

    KeypadSDM's, girlfriend doesnt need any help in 4 unit math, believe me, im in her math class. Actually come to think of it, she maybe smarter than Keypad :D
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    Why try when you're nothing special

    sorry, just came across someone insulting PLC, had to have a go at them :D
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    Why try when you're nothing special

    TRY PLC???? WHAT??????? just because you go to a private school does not bloody mean that your an "Ignorant high nosed shit" dickhead.
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    anyone got into med with an UAI lower than 97?

    Sandydee must have gotten a really good UMAT score i.e. 90 and above in everything b/c she had to have gotten a first round interview in order to secure a place. I think that they only take people who have gotten 99.xx for the second round inteview. AND you have to get into the interview stage...
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    anyone go to PLC sydney??

    PLC Croydon IS PLC sydney all the other PLCs just stole our name :D i go there, Lucigrace im in yr 12
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    your opinion on tutoring...

    HUGE waste of time UNLESS your teachers are not teaching you properly or your having difficulty understanding the work. In which case individual tutoring is better than group tutoring
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    Questions About Maths

    1.The mark of an Extension 1 student is compared to the mark of an extension 2 student in the extension one course. i.e they are all ranked together. 2.Im not sure about the second one but i think that if your both equal first then you will both receive the highest exam mark as your...
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    can get a UAI estimate please? pretty please??

    Ah bugger...........*starts pretending to work harder*
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    uai 90+

    A better ranking in anything would help boost Wallid's potential to get a good UAI, when your doing the HSC ive been told "forget about scaling and focus on establishing a good rank in internal assessments"
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    Why try when you're nothing special

    There will ALWAYS be someone BETTER than you and someone WORSE, what matters is how happy YOU are with what youve achieved...