Search results

  1. Heinz

    Your goal vs Actual UAI

    Aimed for that 99.00 but got 98.50 Oh well, comm/sci @ UNSW was always my intended course and I should make it in without any problems :)
  2. Heinz

    Post your HSC Marks + UAI for SAM 04 results

    Chemistry - 88 English (adv) - 86 Maths Extension 1 - 94 Maths Extension 2 - 91 Physics - 94 SOR I - 43 (dont think it counted) Cosmology - Credit (definitely didnt count :p) 2002 SAM UAI - 98.90 2003 SAM UAI - 99.05 2004 UAI 98.50 :)
  3. Heinz

    Top 200 Schools 2004

    What he said^ Although i really thought we had a chance of cracking top 120... stupid chemistry screwed everyone over :mad: Oh and thanks to cro_angel for typing up the list :)
  4. Heinz

    HSC Results for'em up!!

    So thats what 10th got aye... this guy from my school came 10th as well :p I got 43 (SOR I)
  5. Heinz

    Who here was tutored in at least 1 subject?

    Proudly say I've never been tutored in anything and received a pretty decent result. Nothing but (hard?) work.
  6. Heinz

    Top 200 Schools 2004

    can someone be so kind as to type it up :)
  7. Heinz

    Post Your Uai

    you can get your uai now
  8. Heinz

    Official UAI Thread: Post your UAI's here

    fell short of my target by 0.5. Yeah yeah, im such a miserable failure... might as well end my life :p Woo i can get my course
  9. Heinz

    Distinction Course? Anyone?

    theres another thread slighty down the page...
  10. Heinz

    ipod - worth it?

    My bro bought a 20gb 3rd gen ipod when it came out for about $400 and its pretty good. Other than its simplicity and mp3 usage, its great as an external hard drive.
  11. Heinz

    the OC

  12. Heinz


    I bought a sony ericsson k700i which should come in a few days and a bluetooth dongle (little blue one, looks pretty cool) so after reading this, i want my phone even more :D Didnt know you could do those sorts of things, itll be cool during uni lectures, on trains etc.
  13. Heinz

    Little game: GUESS YOUR UAI!!

    Ill take a guess and say 99.15 :) As long as I can get my course, it doesnt really matter.
  14. Heinz

    Private or selctive?

    Ahem pats, less academic? Alright its true, but the facilities are really good compared to most schools and if your in the top 3unit class, you automatically accelerate in 2unit maths, possibly 3unt maths during year 11. Although its a comprehensive school, theres still enough competition to...
  15. Heinz

    Final rankings

    15050 Chemistry - 3 / 25 15140 English (Advanced) - 24 / 56 15250 Mathematics Extension 1 - 4 / 49 15260 Mathematics Extension 2 - 2 / 7 15330 Physics - 1 / 32 15370 Studies of Religion I - 6 / 63 25020 Cosmology - Distinction Course Not Assessable :)
  16. Heinz

    Why is UAi getting lower each year?

    Dont forget that if you do 4unit maths, your UAI is extremely high in 2001. There was something wrong with its scaling I think. So looking at 02 and 03 UAIs, I'd say its been pretty stable.
  17. Heinz

    Binomial Theorem - so hard?

    Strange time of the year to be finishing binomials... After youve learnt the basics (Jago's file), read the attached document for more detailed info on the binomials topic.
  18. Heinz

    the OC

    Same here! My bro downloaded it for me. How good was it? :D
  19. Heinz

    Regarding Physics Notes...

    Here are a couple of physics pages I came across during this year. Astrophysics notes Bob Emery's physics stuff.
  20. Heinz

    Chemistry 100% working strategy?

    Study study... well you dont really have to do much of that. Just make sure you pay attention in class so you understand everything first time around, do all the homework set (so long as theyre syllabus related) and write your own dot point summaries for the theory component. It helps if you get...