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  1. Heinz

    goood exam ?

    Yeah, it wasnt too bad. Like every exam you take the good with the bad... the good being astrophysics ;)
  2. Heinz

    is religion important for your HSC?

    Nope :D Having 13 units is fun.
  3. Heinz


    I got 1/10 for that last one. Guess well see what happens. No more physics for a very long time! Wooohooo :D:D
  4. Heinz

    Quanta to Quark

    Someone loves particle physics :p
  5. Heinz

    Who left early??

    I left about half an hour early, wanted to get out and do some cramming for studies of religion...
  6. Heinz

    Physics Mark....

    Assuming ive slightly improved from trials... hopefully 91-100. But if its a crap exam and ill end up with 81-90, thats still cool :)
  7. Heinz

    2002 paper, question 16...

    T = 2pi * sqr(L/g) T<sup>2</sup> = 4pi<sup>2</sup>(l/g) g = 4pi<sup>2</sup>l/T<sup>2</sup> Now 4pi<sup>2</sup> is a constant and l/T<sup>2</sup> is the reciprocal of the gradient of the line of best fit (T<sup>2</sup>/l)
  8. Heinz

    Motors and Generators - Success one

    2. the fields produced by wires Z and Y cancel eachother. So your left with wire X only which has field lines going into the page at point O (and a strength of B teslas which is given).
  9. Heinz

    Projectile Motion Question

    Nice, didnt think of doing it that way. Theres a small typo "7=ucos15.t therefore t=7.2/t".
  10. Heinz

    Hsc 2003 Q5

    Uhh... I have no idea what your saying. :) The answer is D so whats the problem?
  11. Heinz

    Projectile Motion Question

    11.7 m/s is correct. The formula given in the sucess one book requires some ext 1 maths knowledge to understand/derive. Its a pretty shitty (albeit easy) way of answering it since it assumes that students know the formula for range which #1 is limited to people who do ext 1 maths and #2 isnt...
  12. Heinz

    Yr 12 - Pictures of your study area.

    You need a good study environment thats why my table is so clear. The ground on the other hand which just happened to be out of the photo... ;)
  13. Heinz

    Yr 12 - Pictures of your study area.

    my very messy study table :rolleyes:
  14. Heinz

    For anyone who accelerated and this is there 2nd time doing Ext 1...

    Last year I got 90% and this year i'll probably be getting somewhere between 94-97. So it isnt a significant improvement but its well worth the repeat in my opinion.
  15. Heinz

    'New' HSC maths

    fields medal isnt it?
  16. Heinz

    5 (b) iv

    Learn something new every day :p
  17. Heinz

    Learning Supplements

    Even if it doesnt do what it claims to, the placebo effect can be just good. Some have been proven to slightly improve memory but at our age, there really isnt a need to take them. Ginseng (found in V) and gingko biloba tablets come to mind.
  18. Heinz

    How easy was that exam?

    So true. Theres a difference between embracing your gifts and being modest about it compared to outright flaunting it. Some people are beginning to cross that very fine line.
  19. Heinz

    How easy was that exam?

    it sure does.... beans beans the musical fruit *breaks into song and dance* I should be studying... screw that! Got a week till physics :D
  20. Heinz

    How easy was that exam?

    I personally thought the exam was more difficult than previous years (which may be attributed to my underestimating a 3u exam and also being overly confident). It took me longer to complete then most 3u papers and also my expected mark will be lower than usual (probably end up with mid 70s/84)...