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  1. Tenax Propositi

    B Arts (International Studies/B Laws

    I can't wait until usyd's reputation falls flat on its face. Granted, unsw has more esteem in my opinion that usyd.
  2. Tenax Propositi

    B Arts (International Studies/B Laws

    What utter crap. It all comes down to the quality of the graduate and their marks. uni reps possibly enter into it after law firms cull graduates based on their marks and their impression of their skills when it comes to uts, unsw and usyd graduates. This is what I was told by lawyers at the...
  3. Tenax Propositi

    Lazy uni students

    I'm not saying i hate uni, in fact, i like it... what i am saying is the freedom and lack of motivation to study is hard...
  4. Tenax Propositi

    Lazy uni students

    yeah, exactly! eg. communications (pass/fail first semester)
  5. Tenax Propositi

    Lazy uni students

    Burnt out Uni students are any first year students feeling demotivated and burnt out from last year and finding it hard to maintain focused on the academic part of uni? it's been so easy to be carried away by social stuff (not just in uni, but with friends) and with lazing about watching...
  6. Tenax Propositi

    Communications vs. Business

    yeah it's hard to get back into things.... it feels like i'm drifting wherever the wind takes me... yeah, he's in my PCA class
  7. Tenax Propositi

    transfer between unis

    I'd say you'd be wasting your time at usyd - UTS is the way to go for a reputable communications degree among industry.
  8. Tenax Propositi

    Communications vs. Business

    i know, i've been cruising as well! It's hard to get into those essays in particular....ARGHHH!! Have you started? I've done zilch!
  9. Tenax Propositi

    Communications vs. Business

    False. Because 1st semester is 4 comm. subjects that are pass/fail I would say that they ease us into the course. However, it becomes a much more challenging course (i expect from second semester onwards) as they expect a high standard of you and your work - both oral and written...
  10. Tenax Propositi

    Dong HSC 2004 and need you notes...PLEASE!

    ummm how about you posted that on the 20th of April so you still had over a week to organise yourself for geo
  11. Tenax Propositi

    Communications vs. Business

    not according to a girl in my class who transferred from science/law to communications/law. she loathed science.
  12. Tenax Propositi

    Communications vs. Business

    what's his name? btw, i don't understand the yawn?? what don't you like about business now?
  13. Tenax Propositi

    Communications vs. Business

    yep, a total of 4! I've only ever spoken to one other guy...and, well.... hmmm....yeah. Is there an Alex Hopkins in anybody's class? i'd be interested in speaking to him because he is one of 2 guys doing Pub Comm./Law (the other being me, der lol). yep, Melanie.
  14. Tenax Propositi

    Communications vs. Business

    im 90% sure based on ur pic in the greeting thread that it was u... u were next to a girl in my tute whose really nice. she facilitated the tute i reported for today. yeah , im sure it'll get better... its weird being one of 4 guys doing pub comm tho i have to say
  15. Tenax Propositi

    Communications vs. Business

    hmm i dunno. i know it's only early days yet but... bus and comm would make a good combo. im surprised they never thought of that to begin with! btw ash, i THINK i was sitting behind u in today's lecture but wasn't
  16. Tenax Propositi

    Communications vs. Business

    What do Business students think of the course? Is it fulfilling and interesting? Is it worth transferring out of communications and into business? Has anyone you know done this?
  17. Tenax Propositi

    School friends vs. Uni friends

    Btw, can we all please get back to the topic of the thread?
  18. Tenax Propositi

    School friends vs. Uni friends

    Hmmm, I'd prefer it to stay in the UTS forum because I was more interested in the experience of UTS students.
  19. Tenax Propositi

    Dong HSC 2004 and need you notes...PLEASE!

    ...or photocopy/borrow a fellow classmate's book or ask your teacher (who I'm sure would be more than sympathetic) to copy some classnotes for you to replace your workbook with.
  20. Tenax Propositi

    What's Law like?

    I didn't know you were studying Law, Minai?