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  1. S

    Mechanics question

    In 5 it says it sits on a bowl. Wherever it sits, the normal acts perpendicular to the surface, ie perp to the tangent. Similarly in 6 the force is perpendicular to the surface, which is the table.
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    Mechanics question

    In 5 its perpendicular to the tangent to the point of contact on the hemisphere. In 6 its perpendicular to the table, that is straight up.
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    Mechanics question

    It is always perpendicular. In example 8 the slant of the surface at that point is the tangent, so the normal force is perpendicular to it.
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    how to solve tis one: mathematical induction

    5^n = (3+2)^n = 3^n + 3^n-1.2 + ..... + 2^n > 3^n + 2^n, for n>1
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    locus question

    The locus where the product of distances from two points is a constant is a Cassini's oval, but what the hell is that?
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    Med and engineering combined

    Usyd has a new combined science/MB BS/ PhD program lasting 10 years.
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    Med and engineering combined

    Then you're probably looking at mb bs, then phd, and working as a clinician/researcher.
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    Med and engineering combined Are you looking for something along these lines?
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    highest UAI in history!

    Go check the state rankings for last year for Laurie Field, and count all the units he was ranked in.
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    Med and engineering combined

    A medical science degree maybe, or advanced science?
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    yr11 latin

    Deleted posts.
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    induction take2

    Draw 1/sqrt(x+1). Draw vertical lines on each integer. Complete the rectangles so their areas are 1/sqrt2, 1/sqrt3, etc up to 1/sqrtn. Integrate from 0 to n-1. Hence as the rectangles have a greater area than the integral, ( 1/sqrt(2) ) + ( 1/sqrt(3) ) + ... + ( 1/sqrt(n) ) > int 1/srt(x+1)...
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    2005 CSSA Reduction Integration Formula

    So In = 1/(n+1)(n+2) Similarly work out In-1 = 1/n(n+1) So In = n/(n+2) In-1
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    2005 CSSA Reduction Integration Formula

    Substitute n - 1 for n into that integration result and you can prove the reduction formula as well.
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    Solving the mysteries of Volume Formulae

    You can find that by 3u volumes. Equation of semicircle is y = sqrt (a^2 - x^2). Revolve around x axis and find volume: pi S y^2 from -a to a.
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    Very nice and elegant. Why is it induction? I guess if you really want to prove it that way, write X = 4n + 7m. Then X + 1 = 4n + 7m + 1 and peel off 4s and 7s, eg 4(1 + p) etc. and then factorise.
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    Do you mean 18 cents and any multiple of 18 cents?
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    Trial/HSC Mark?

    Ha. It's true though. In 3u trials I lost a few marks for Newton's method, and some other things in questions 4 and 5. In 4u trials I got 13 for q8, but lost marks in 1,2 and 3 for stuff like integration. In 4u hsc I reckon I lost most marks in the probability question, which was in 4 i think...
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    Maths problems

    Comment: 1/8 is not greater than 1/4. The proof is wrong because ln (1/2) is negative.
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    U Week

    The lines are very long, and they keep on running out of stuff.