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  1. gracie007

    New 'I want to buy a laptop' Thread

    hai yankee check this out: how good is it
  2. gracie007

    I want to be a nerd !!

    so which website did u use to test ur iq? or maybe
  3. gracie007

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and ?' Thread ^well u sound like uve actually done study tho! and i bet u have done heaps anyway coz dont u want a HD? haha
  4. gracie007

    Virginia Tech Shootings (Merged)

    Re: Virginia Tech Shootings i swear there hasnt been a clear motive yet that hes announced
  5. gracie007

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and ?' Thread forgot to mention that ill be staying at uts for my transfer if it ever goes through in the future!
  6. gracie007

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and ?' Thread yeah ive done chem before but i wasnt THAT good at it. partly due to the fact that i am probably the worlds worst procrastinator. anyways, im doing bsci applied chem now, wanted to initially transfer into forensic chem, but now all that future chem looks...
  7. gracie007

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and ?' Thread i think i am quite fucked for chem. ive done basically no study for it. i mean none. and i dont do work after classes either. just required stuff for the labs. shit. gee im def gonna be able to transfer at the end of the year
  8. gracie007

    Industrial Peircing

    well think about alll the people you know with at least one piercing. have any of them ever had nerve damage as a result? yeah, my friends havent either. dw about it.
  9. gracie007


    yeah they dont ask u. u have to ask for one urself. after like the 5th time i went there i realised i had to do annoying!
  10. gracie007


    how many points equal a free drink? n what size?
  11. gracie007


    im like obsessed with easyway and im not even asian oops haha nah its awesome i usually get green teas, or blended ices with grape jelly...looove grape
  12. gracie007

    New 'I want to buy a laptop' Thread

    okay, lemme know if you get any solutions
  13. gracie007

    New 'I want to buy a laptop' Thread

    the thing is though, its the same with any laptop brand in the end. youre always always always gonna hear those 'stories'
  14. gracie007

    New 'I want to buy a laptop' Thread

    yeah its really annoying. i want this thing to work. like on the cd and casing it says compatible with vista, but then when u load up the install thing it only gives a windows xp option. i went on the asus website briefly but couldnt find any new drivers. with the little aerial plug thing, i...
  15. gracie007

    New 'I want to buy a laptop' Thread

    hey did u get vista with that? and the tv tuner? have u installed urs yet? coz i swear mine isnt working. at the cd start up screen it only gives u the option for xp drivers. lame.
  16. gracie007

    how can i beat the speeding ticket?

    oh god. some people really shouldnt even be driving
  17. gracie007

    'RAUNCH CULTURE' PIP SURVEY: Females aged 18-23 needed

    1) Age? 18 2) Out of the following celebrities, who would you emulate? (as in, who would be your role model, who would you want to be like out of the following) - Angelina Jolie - Lindsay Lohan - Mischa Barton - Kirsten Dunst - Rachel McAdams - Paris Hilton 3) Do you think female celebrities...
  18. gracie007

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and VC Week' Thread YES...san andreas is fucking addictive do not start playing it unless u got heaps of time on ur hands ive been obsessed with gta's for years...and im a girl! haha nah its fun
  19. gracie007

    New 'I want to buy a laptop' Thread

    funny u say that coz i actually went to jbhifi BEFORE myer and the guy said the best he could do was 1700...lame the guy in myer wasnt doing a 'special deal'. it came with it anyway. i just mentioned it coz i thought it was cool.
  20. gracie007

    New 'I want to buy a laptop' Thread

    well i ended up getting an asus pro31jc , its really good so far. 1gb/100hdd , wxga, only downside being its 2.8kg but its not too bad. got it from myer. it cost 1800 but i bargained it down to 1680 (mwahahaha) and got a free mouse and tv tuner! awesome!