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  1. karnevil

    Adventures in Reality [ Its Just a Party ]

    I'm pretty sure that's the point of this cruise right? for people to get to know other uts kids?
  2. karnevil

    UTS Textbook List

    My gf's big sis is going into her second year of the same degree as me... she said I can borrow all the books I'll need for first semester from her for $50.... I stand to save several hundred dollars. Talk about generous! :D
  3. karnevil


    haha campus - ive already got that one sorted :)
  4. karnevil

    Law Camp!!!

    *sulking with lexi* where's the business camp? this sucks.
  5. karnevil


    that's what i needed to hear - thanks heaps
  6. karnevil


    I'm assuming that we find out which rooms our lecs & tutes are in during orientation week? Or not...?? Can someone explain? cheers :)
  7. karnevil

    Orientation Day

    Pretty sure there was a thread on this already? ...
  8. karnevil

    Student Service Fees

    Yeah it's a prime example of poor (or a lack of any) management skills sending a business straight into a downward spiral meh
  9. karnevil

    Student Service Fees

    yeah that's about where this company is headed, down the drain. Luckily this is only a summer job for me, I feel bad for the people who have nothing to look forward to other than showing up there everyday of their working life
  10. karnevil

    Student Service Fees

    nah he's still kickin around, he remains a big part of the problem (management attitudes from the 1960s)
  11. karnevil

    Student Service Fees

    My boss was given the company by his father and is slowly running the place into the ground because he's got nfi how to treat people, he's just a lazy c*nt whose been given everything, and even though he's somewhere now, I'd like to see him in 2 years. kaboooom
  12. karnevil


    Yeah I watched a ton of jap movies and anime, it helps :)
  13. karnevil

    P&o Pacific Sun Schoolies Cruise 2004

    I dont think I could have produced any expectations that would have done justice to just how fucken good that cruise was.
  14. karnevil

    Class of 04

    Yep, it was awesome. :D I'm pretty sure most of the people who frequent the Japanese corner of BOS have been there, too. :)
  15. karnevil

    Student Service Fees

    ah geez now i feel bad.. seeing someone like you braindrainedash, who really appreciates being able to use the student accom, and who is a hard worker, it makes me feel glad that im paying the levy. A change of heart I know, but I'd put money on there being just as many uni-accomodation-using...
  16. karnevil

    Schoolies 2004

  17. karnevil

    Class of 04

    good luck class of 04! :)