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  1. karnevil

    Student Service Fees

    Yeah and some people are just lazy fucks who wouldn't know a hard day's work if it bit them in their arse - the reason I'm so cut is because I work, I earn every dollar that passes through my wallet, and I paid my service fees myself. I don't see why my hard work should benefit someone else in...
  2. karnevil

    Schoolies 2004

    17? you should have gone on the cruise, cro_angel i dont care what anyone says about the price - youll notice that the people who say its too pricey are the ones who never experienced just how insanely fucking good it was :D
  3. karnevil

    Schoolies 2004

    Youll never know if you never go schoolies was fucking awesome - me and my mates still rave about it everytime we get together, just reminiscing (sp?) n shit, its great :)
  4. karnevil

    Reading List

    Yeah it's his facials and the whole space helmet thing, it just... weirds me out
  5. karnevil

    Reading List

    I really wana get into some good solid reading on Japan. BTW Lex your avatar scares the shit out of me
  6. karnevil

    How much does biz get scaled down??

    Don't believe all this scaling shit, my business mark didnt get scaled down anymore than 1 or 2 marks, and I still got 89 overall
  7. karnevil

    Reading List

    cheers that would be great :)
  8. karnevil

    who has similar/ same timetable as me?

    only your tuts will be 'common' though.. anyone can go to any lecture time, no?
  9. karnevil

    Student Service Fees

    fair enough I guess although uni students staying on campus havent lost their jobs and thousands of dollars in entitlements, so it's not a very fair comparison to Ansett
  10. karnevil

    Student Service Fees

    Got my invoice in the mail today, as I'm sure you guys also did. Looking at the itemised list, I came across: Student Accomodation Levy $32.50 Why am I being charged for this when seemingly it has something to do with 'accomodation' - I thought this would only be for students who live in...
  11. karnevil

    Reading List

    Lex how come you cant tell me the other ones? Every time you post on the culture/history/society of Japan, your argument is always solid and seems well-researched. I figured you would have read a lot of these books, and I'm very interested to know what they are! :)
  12. karnevil

    Reading List

    I want you all to post a list of books that you have read / heard about, which are about anything to do with Japan. If there is one thing that's been neglected in six years of high school japanese, it's that I never learnt anything except the language. I yearn for a more thorough understanding...
  13. karnevil


    Hey Lex did you get band6 in Continuers?
  14. karnevil

    Med Science and/or Business

    I think Business intake for City this year was around 350? I'm only guessing this because all the 'maximum capacities' for the lectures were around about this number, and all of the individual tutorials' numbers added up to this number
  15. karnevil

    2004 UTS Diary

    Oh come on.... you're not serious are you? :p Not much point giving the 3200 a camera, along with java and polyphonic capabilities when you've only got 1 measly megabyte of memory to stretch between all of these features
  16. karnevil

    Med Science and/or Business

    *points toward sig*
  17. karnevil

    How long does it take to enrol?

    I think it all depends on how many people you're contending with. The Bachelor of Business enrolment had to cope with over 350 people in one afternoon. Were there that many people at yours Lex ?
  18. karnevil

    UTS O-Week 2004 (23rd - 27th Feb)

    Free condoms? Yay, cause uni is really on my mind while im bangin'
  19. karnevil

    How long does it take to enrol?

    mine took from 3pm till 7pm, if that's any help it was hell