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  1. karnevil

    The Japanese forum is dead

    hence, it is dead..... :p
  2. karnevil

    This is what I think to get 20/20 in multis you needed.......

    Yeah it was (B) for the D2E question and the only figure that changed was days lost to absenteeism hence covert action :)
  3. karnevil

    Last minute tip: (info from HSC line)

    Okay if you guys already knew this, u can sit on it. For those of you who didn't, listen up: When you're calculating the Return on OE ratio, some schools have taught students NOT to include net profit as OE, but rather just to use Capital. The HSC line says that either way is fine, you wont...
  4. karnevil

    The Japanese forum is dead

    *lays flowers on japanese forum's grave* it was good while it lasted guys and gals! Hope all your results are good, especially jap. Maybe this place wil light up again on the 18th december ;) until then, CtĂˁI:)
  5. karnevil

    JAP EXTENSION << thoughts

    Yeah Lex I said it refers to him and his classmates to whom the RENET mailing list belongs to. I figured the fact that it belongs to them is important, as the very first kana after {N is , to indicate it is the mailing list 'of' them :)
  6. karnevil

    JAP EXTENSION << thoughts

    ouch! Yeah i referred to he and his classmates, and i wrote that bokura was used to mean 'our mailing list' sorry if i sounded a bit hasty in the last post! :eek:
  7. karnevil

    JAP EXTENSION << thoughts

    Read pg175 of the english version of the book and youll realise he's referring to himself and the others who use RENET with him..... he doesn't use 'bokura' to refer to the RENET members overseas.
  8. karnevil

    JAP EXTENSION << thoughts

    that would be "Bokura" and it means "we/us" referring to males.... Oto was referring to himself and his classmates
  9. karnevil

    JAP EXTENSION << thoughts

    What did you guys think? I thought it was pretty average~easy.... the second question was *kinda* hard but I jst thought about it for a while and jst kinda recounted some bits from the passages (e.g RENET, fushigi na kikai) to talk about my experiences with Oto The first bit was piss! If I...
  10. karnevil

    Good Luck Everybody!!

    I hope we get a question like "what is a big problem facing japanese youth today" or something along those lines.... ive been studying hikikomori a lot lately and ive got some really good ideas i wana put down in japanese
  11. karnevil

    Good Luck Everybody!!

    Regardless if this has been posted somewhere else, just wanted to wish you all the best of luck for today's JaX exam, and i'll see you all in the exam thoughts forum this arvo! :p :) GANBARe~
  12. karnevil

    Freaking out Before tomorrow's 3uJ exam!!!

    If you have trouble trying to construct highly complex ideas in japanese, then it's better to convey a simpler meaning using structures you're more familiar with.... :) And yeah, I'm not worried about tomorrow. I got 93% in Masumi's 3unit trial, I'm pretty confident F̎Ɋ撣I
  13. karnevil


    That's basically what I meant Lex :)
  14. karnevil


    Have all you little 3unit kiddies memorised the passages and the language features etc of each one? Just curious..... cause I have :)
  15. karnevil


    what about twelve spaces? :p
  16. karnevil

    HSC English Extension 1

    I used handmaids tale as add.-mat. for Change... one very weird story right there.
  17. karnevil


    We didn't get ours till wk1 term2 yr12... not too bad i guess. just in time for winter some advice for jersey names: dont get anything that you wouldnt be comfortable wearing outside of school e.g. in public places, shopping centres or whatever What I mean is don't go getting some weird...
  18. karnevil

    Son of a...

    sounds like it was pretty hard then? I'm so glad I dropped maths
  19. karnevil

    Nihongo Dake (dispute resolved, thread re-opened)

    are you inferring I don't know what soup and shop are in japanese??!?!?! :p *acts insulted*
  20. karnevil

    Nihongo Dake (dispute resolved, thread re-opened)

    hahaah i went soooo bad on that test Lexi I was the worst at remembering names in Japan, partly because a lot of the names were so similar, but as you all know, the human brains remembers things by their relativity to each other, i.e. If I can't put a face to a name then my brain won't be...