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  1. karnevil

    What extended response questions are you hoping for?

    good advice lexi :)
  2. karnevil

    Official Question 2 Thread - Creative Writing

    I don't think it mattered hey. I think it was more the actual pictures that mattered... it said choose one picture
  3. karnevil

    Official Question 2 Thread - Creative Writing

    I read in some marker's guidelines we were given @ school that they don't like "teenage angst" in stories... its too cliched they say! who knows but eh The guidelines we were given advised against writing about certain things, namely: 1/ death 2/ divorce 3/ the hsc 4/ anything...
  4. karnevil

    Official Question 2 Thread - Creative Writing

    Nekkid: I just tacked the bushfire picture in the end of mine somewhere, when Terapai's world was being obliterated. I talked about how the fire raged on, reducing his world to ashes, but the fire in his heart had been flooded by the evil, and he no longer had the strength to put up a fight :D
  5. karnevil

    Official Question 2 Thread - Creative Writing

    OMGGGGGG this was seriously the best question ever. I had a story pre-written, and when I saw this question, I nearly jumped out of my seat :D:D:D:D I wrote my story word for word. Coming home now and reading it, I can't find anything that I left out or jumbled up.... Whether or not you...
  6. karnevil

    How many ppl at your school left early?

    Hahah I'm at cazbah selective, the entire hall cracked up when she said "you can leave after 1hour" and then after reading time she asked "does anyone not like the concept of this examination" hahahaha everyone just burst out laughing! :p
  7. karnevil

    translate please ^_____^

    koishii = dear, wanted hmmmm weird passage right there :eek:
  8. karnevil

    Where to get Japanese stuff

    A great source for tidbits on Japan If you go to and enter to the main site, scroll down a little and you will see an orange box where you can enter your email address. This will subscribe you to their mailling list, and every day or so you will receive an update from Jlist -...
  9. karnevil

    Nihongo Dake (dispute resolved, thread re-opened)

    thanks mercury :) hopefully the markers think i'm that good (or better? :p)
  10. karnevil

    Nihongo Dake (dispute resolved, thread re-opened)

    Possibly being the key word there - perhaps this senior marker isn't as "current" as you'd like him/her to be? Can you honestly tell me that you think second-hand hearsay is something that we should believe over concrete textual information that you can obtain from the Board of studies? I'm...
  11. karnevil

    Nihongo Dake (dispute resolved, thread re-opened)

    Also, the use of that first "boku" kanji is completely wrong. It does not mean "I" - I learnt this the hard way. I accidentally used it in an email once to Japan, and I got a very confused reply! She (my friend) didn't explain what it meant, just not to use it! :eek:
  12. karnevil

    Nihongo Dake (dispute resolved, thread re-opened)

    Okay I can't really be bothered to read all your kanji-filled posts but (a) thanks for reading my essay, mercury (b)It's typed, so I had no intention of making it look like that in the exam. (w/ regard to paragraphs) (c) There is no point in using unnecessary kanji. Quoting last year's...
  13. karnevil

    Nihongo Dake (dispute resolved, thread re-opened)

    ja, saigo no pe-ji ni lexi kun to kenka shitakara, owachattayo. gomennasai. kaiyoubi no nihongo no shiken no tame ni, isshokenmei benkyou shiyou !!
  14. karnevil

    What extended response questions are you hoping for?

    I really like the stimulus ones personally. I.e. the ones where you get like a one-page newspaper ad or somethin and u have to reply to that. Last year's questions for 11 and 12 in continuers were shitty. I hope we don't get such mundane questions.... wat do u guys think?
  15. karnevil

    japanese only thread!

    Hahaha okay whatever you say Lexi. *gives you a wowwy-pop*
  16. karnevil

    japanese only thread!

    Don't get me wrong Takuya. I love Japanese. I love the language, the country, and the people. I have dozens of regular Japanese email friends, I've hosted Japanese students who've gone on to become great friends, and even though I've been to Japan for 3 weeks only, I plan to return there one day...
  17. karnevil

    japanese only thread!

  18. karnevil

    japanese only thread!

    True, but then on the same token how can you say the same about a non-Japanese person and their apparent lack of ability to speak perfect Japanese?
  19. karnevil

    japanese only thread!

    I thought you were good at english? ... surely you'd know there's a difference between confidence and arrogance.. and what Takuya said is right. What do you want to do with just a bachelor of arts? Just a thought, i'm not tryin to sink your battleship :P