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  1. ahen

    Freaking Out...

    lol i heart your confidence in me :D oooo yes i've had issues with related texts too, i.e i've been doing them this week, yes that's right folks i've done one related text this week and am finishing up my second one tonight or tomorrow depending on how much advanced i get done. obviously i...
  2. ahen

    Will I get caught?!

    yep but they also say that it's quite rare that someone can answer a question they haven't been taught, like some student decides that they're all hardcore and can do some random question cos they did the text in yr 10 or something. anyway good luck to the OP, you better not slam my king lear...
  3. ahen

    Freaking Out...

    RTFG? retreat from the global? damn i wish we'd done something easy but no! we got landed with good ole gendered language, the topic that probably only i don't know 50 or 60 ( that might be pushing it a bit..) people in the state do hence there are virtually no resources on it hurrah for...
  4. ahen

    Just a quick question...

    wtf? how can someone only write a page or two for creative? you can't say jack shit in 2 pages...i use at least 4-6 A4 and my handwriting is pretty small too... *shakes head in amazement* 2 pages????
  5. ahen

    Freaking Out...

    my english teacher has told me that i'm going to do fantastically in the exam, i refuse to believe him, and yet him saying that is making me rather complacent NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! i'm actually so much more focused on ext english these days, i have no idea why, i just wanna sit...
  6. ahen

    Will I get caught?!

    wtf what a bloody shakespeare freak :p it has taken me like 6 months to put together a 19/20 essay on that bloody play, and that could easily become like a 15 or something if i get a stupid question :( i am jealous
  7. ahen

    Eggs, Fish Oil and Water

    :D fish oil's a natural product so i don't think it would, maybe ask your doctor or pm a med student on a uni's med forums if you're desperate or cbb going to the dr or whatever
  8. ahen

    what degree would you do if you got 100 uai

    hear hear! ( or is it here here?, no hear hear seems more grammatically correct...)
  9. ahen

    Eggs, Fish Oil and Water

    coke ftw! and juice, i'm a juice junkie omg and milk i heart milk! i do squeeze in some water once or twice a day though and yeah i do the fish oil tablets, twice a day though i've been slacking off recently cos holidays have thrown me out of my routine
  10. ahen

    Will I get caught?!

    but i don't get it, you're changing to king lear for module b? why on earth would you do that? king lear is incredibly difficult and what's this about a novel? *confusion*
  11. ahen

    Ranked 1st = Mark not affected?

    oh god i'm bloody confused now for english advanced the marks between people in the top ten are about 0.5 ie. 1st = (internal total) of say 90 .'. 2nd = 89.5 and so on and so forth what's going to happen to us? and what about equal ranks? do they go by the standard deviation or...
  12. ahen

    Freaking Out...

    saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame! i used to sleep at four, pushed it back to 3 :mad1: hurrah I BELEIVE THAT THE BOS IS AGAINST NOCTURNAL PEOPLE EXAMS FROM 7-11PM I SAY!!!! lol *sigh* if only all my exams weren't in the morning, bloody languages and vet courses have dominated the arvos...
  13. ahen

    Freaking Out...

    was meant to get up at 9 woke up at 1:15pm wtf yeah am not really stressing, get random anxious moments, like today when i realised how much stuff i still needed to go through and how little time is left . but then i was like "no only little time left before ENGLISH, there's still around 17...
  14. ahen

    The Department Says Relax

    oh well, in my easy subjects i'm doing pretty damn well got 96/100 for cafs trials, (95 for half yearlies) and i'm first also the head teacher for art is a HSC marker at my school and she was telling me that the examiners, no matter what subjects are looking to give you marks. she basically...
  15. ahen


    i'm all over the place, crossing my legs, sitting on my legs, leaning on my chin, leaning forward and writing furiously leaning back and writing furiously looking around and glaring at the examiners because they're old and smelly and stand around giggling with each other and slurping their...
  16. ahen

    does the hsc REALLY matter?

    ooooh i think i get this now so, if someone comes and rips you in the exams then they get your exam mark but keep their assessment mark? but if you're first then you get the highest exam mark as your internal, and you get your own assessment mark as well (depending on whether you came first...
  17. ahen

    does the hsc REALLY matter?

    i think she means the final exam and it's not as simplistic as that, there's some averaging out that happens as well, basically you'd still have to do well, but if someone comes and absolutely slams you in the externals then i think they get your mark or something similar don't quote me on...
  18. ahen


    that is incredibly underweight. last year i was 52kg ( 163 cm) and im now around 55-56 :( can't wait till this is over, shall start excercising like crazy! i love playing sport and stuff, it all just died during hsc :( though i'm surprised i mean i go for like 5-6km walks twice a week and...
  19. ahen

    Mistake in Final Report

    oh i was under the impression that the school couldn't give out your final mark? cos they wouldn't give us our mark but they gave us our ranks. anyway something similar happend with me, i was told that i was 6th in adv english and then in my report it said 7th, when i asked why i was told that...
  20. ahen

    The Department Says Relax

    lol this guy from my school he said " i only studied 5 hrs on my day off" -.- but then again he topped 5 subjects ( i'm talking 3U maths and shit like that) and will probably get 100 UAI too *sigh*