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  1. ahen

    clothes to wear during exams

    we were told to WEAR UNIFORM OR ELSE i think it's a good thing i mean you dont have to think toooo much about what to wear, what's clean, none of that "ooo but i wore this to english ext i can't wear it to religion now! same people are gonna see me and think i have no wardrobe" or "hmmm my emo...
  2. ahen

    worked harder for trials than hsc?

    i am like locked in my room and the study room ...STUDYING a hell of a lot, i dunno i'm obsessive compulsive and luckily ( or unluckily?) HSC is my obsession. i found it harder to study for trials cos i had 948573497497 teachers breathing down my neck asking for all these essays and the...
  3. ahen

    University places

    never fear there is always B psych at UWS or alternately psychologly as a major through a BSc or BA both available at UNSW :D
  4. ahen

    how much study are you doing a day?

    oi! you went off msn without saying anything you dog i spent all of today trawling through this stupid topic for cafs *curses 2 unit subjects with heaps of shit to remember* ancient history and cafs are bitches to study for urgh i am so not gonna meet my study goal by the end of this week SIGH
  5. ahen

    how much study are you doing a day?

    i know there's a scholarship for girls who want to do engineering and i think it's at UNSW oh well applications have probably closed now for anyone interested i do around 6-10 hrs.... i dunno how i just do stuff whenever i feel like it with breaks of course :D
  6. ahen

    Who feels comfortable?

    hahaha i like your optimism :D i planned on having ALL my summary notes added to/holes filled and typed up (cos they were handwritten) by friday, as well as doing all the essays my english teacher wants AND analysing two new related texts for ext cos my old ones were shit. thus far i have done...
  7. ahen

    Who feels comfortable?

    i know! tis the most irritating thing ever, like you know your stuff but you don't hence an insane amount of study going down these two weeks also yeah, yesterday i realised that today would be friday, and i realised that my "aims" for this first week were nowhere near completed even though...
  8. ahen

    so...... hot....... can't.... study.....

    exactly! i'm indian and we have two aircons in the house and fans in every room :D
  9. ahen

    Who feels comfortable?

    i'm not like insanely stressed because i feel like i pretty much know my stuff in general it's just a matter of getting the details down pat, you know those annoying little things like EVIDENCE , EXAMPLES and TECHNIQUES urgh
  10. ahen

    gesticulating during study

    yeah i kinda walk around sometimes when trying to memorise and i gesticulate a lot when im talking but not when im studying for some reason, unless im having one of my mental days when i run around talking to myself like have a conversation with myself in funny voices about my subjects....weird...
  11. ahen

    so...... hot....... can't.... study.....

    it's not THAT hot? its only like 25- 35 degrees... well when i felt a bit hot i turned on the fan and the cool breeze blew in through the window in the arvo so it was all good. though admitedly i get woken early cos my room likes turning into an oven in summer and a fridge in winter, whilst the...
  12. ahen

    2 weeks of HSC cram ... what is possible?

    i know a guy in 05 who studied his arse off the 3wks before exams but didn't do too well internally. he got 97.8 and does law at UTS he also did almost the same subjects as me ( sub cafs for gen maths and art for bio which both scale shitly anyway) SEE TIS ALL POSSIBLE
  13. ahen

    Things that distract you from study

    bebo msn bos phone calls from xclusive2bhung :D and the supremely beautiful weather outside
  14. ahen

    how much study are you doing a day?

    so so so very true, im glad my parents are pretty good about it as well, they know i dislike maths and science (mostly maths don't mind bio or something) so they didn't make me choose them in fact THEY were the ones who told me not to do adv maths because I was the one going for it *smacks head...
  15. ahen

    how much study are you doing a day?

    yeh i know what you mean. i am officially HSC obsessed, i could rival the huge nerdy guy in our school (who came first in 5 subjects) in obsessiveness. all i do is talk, think, breathe, dream about the hsc, its driving me a bit mad but if i get the result i hope for then it'll all be worth it. i...
  16. ahen

    people and their preferences

    getting a higher mark/rank doesn't make them better though. i think its stupid doing law if you have no interest in it, shows that getting a 99UAI doesn't make you smart. yeah i'm a bit frustrated but i'm not too worried, i have my fall back courses that will let me do psychology anyway and i...
  17. ahen

    people and their preferences

    nope they shouldn't give up on uni and obviously they wouldn't have much intention of going into a trade etc what i'm saying is, people like them who have the capability to do so exceptionally well should NOT do a course that does not interest them at all just because they want to transfer...
  18. ahen

    people and their preferences

    i have absolutely no issue with someone who likes both courses a, b , c etc etc that they put down in their preferences. if they would actually be willing to spend years doing such a degree then go for it. what pisses me off is the people like someone said previously where a person didn't do...
  19. ahen

    What do you hope to achieve these holidays?

    just wondering, what does STUVAC stand for again?