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  1. imsooverskool

    nazi germany and nationalism! help!

    well since you have 2 talk about how they rose to power u really need 2 talk about how the nazi's exploited nationalistic ideals to gain public favour. u could then explain how the germans were still pissed off about the treaty of versailles and it made them feel inferior as a nation,hurting...
  2. imsooverskool

    Who else is doing King Lear?

    well ur teacher is talking about the different readings that can be interperated through differnet productions... eg. shakespeare would of originally meant for the play to show the evilness of goneril and reagn and how women should not disobey male authourity. Whereas, in a feminist reading...
  3. imsooverskool

    Anyone doing Leni?

    Well my class is doing Leni andi find it hella boring... dont get me wrong i enjoy modern and learning about nazi germany; it is pretty interesting, but 2 me leni is just a bull shitting biatch! seriously... How can she deny a social relationship with hitler and Goebbels? yeh so who else...
  4. imsooverskool


    omg ash u r so right!!!!! :) TO ALL MODERN STUDENTS... get HTA it is really useful and actually written by teachers who teach the current syllabus!!!! I REPEAT!!!!!!!!! DO NOT BUY EXCEL... BUT HTA IT IS SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!
  5. imsooverskool

    Looking for Alibrandi

    its good but its a set text 4 standard, so mayb its not a good idea 2 use it... check thes ticky on related material 4 changing self. it really helped me, changing self is such a goddamn hard topic ay?
  6. imsooverskool

    What optional topics you doing for 2k3?

    yuck, yuck, yuck we r doing indigenous ppls (im so over it we did it last year) and family law... its no suprise really my teacher is such an humanitarian. Isnt nebody else going 2 suffer through inigenous studies?
  7. imsooverskool

    Which uni is better 4 law?

    hey guys, i was just wondering which uni would be best 2 study law at? im really undecided on which way 2 go... assuming i actually get the marks 2 get in2 law that is. I was thinking of foind a combined arts/law, do u think thats a good way 2 go?
  8. imsooverskool

    the bold & the beautiful!

    a bold and the beautiful post? YAY a fellow bold viewer, obviously lappang u have true intelligence! a new character and its played by jack wagner???? wat the? yeh and your right he will always be Dr Peter Burns LOL. I just wish that they would get over taylor already, its starting to piss me...
  9. imsooverskool

    what did u think of WW1

    i know its the core and evrything but OMG could it get any more boring? the battles were ok but the treaty of versailles cmon i could barely stay awake!!!!!!!!!!!! heres hoping that germany is better... WE NEED 2 GET THIS FORUM GOING! ::headbang: HOW COOL IS THIS SMILIE??????? go the rockers!
  10. imsooverskool

    Changing self- films

    which films do you guys think are the best for changing self, i cnat make up my mind Grrr, english is soooo frustrating. What is/did everyone else use?
  11. imsooverskool

    Songs relating to changing self!!!!!

    ok i am toatlly stessing becuase i need to find a song that is really good for changing self!!!!!!!!!!! i already have a film, feature article and a novel. I need a song just for variation!!!! Please someone help me!:(