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  1. drewgcn

    never get above 92?

    An 87 in chemistry equates to about a 94 in food tech, scaled. If you get better marks in Food Tech, and you hate chemistry, its probably more likely you'll get the mark in food tech than chem anyway. Kudos for choosing to enjoy your final year and ending with a Dead Poets Society quote :)!
  2. drewgcn

    Number of units?

    He wasn't really, I don't know why he's doing both Ext2. I asked him about it a few weeks ago and he kind of shrugged...
  3. drewgcn

    Distinction Courses

    heh, I bet someone's being modest! I seem to remember you posting practically all 90s marks in the results thread :).
  4. drewgcn


    lol Klaw, you obviously haven't tried putting seven separate folders in your school bag :).
  5. drewgcn

    Distinction Courses

    Oarsome. Is what the website says about applicants having to have been "accelerated in at least one hsc subject at the highest level (usually 3 unit)" true? It looks like the website is around 6 years old, which is why I ask...
  6. drewgcn


    Tip to anyone about to buy a folder for each subject. Either A) go by car. or B) go on two separate days. Otherwise you look ridiculous coming home carrying 7 folders. By the way that was, er, purely hypothetical, and all.
  7. drewgcn

    How are the 06's finding yr 12 so far??

    heh, my peer support kids started doing that to me since I let them get away with anything, cause I had a cool peer support leader I wanted to emulate. now if they show me disrespect in the playground, I just pick them up and they get scared as hell. i wouldn't do anything to them, but its...
  8. drewgcn

    Adapting To Year 12

    So very agreed. Theres nothing worse than coming from a regimented school day to a timetabled home life.
  9. drewgcn

    What happens to the 2nd 3rd and 4th?

    Aye, I noticed that in the explanation thread. Our teacher explained it to us the other day, and he said it was the most accurate way of doing so without requiring some sort of masters in statistics (basically that probably meant he couldn't understand any further than that).
  10. drewgcn

    never get above 92?

    tudor182, thats the aligned mark from the Board of Studies, 100 (the mark sent to you by the BoS isn't actually the raw mark you got in the exam, the raw mark is usually about 6 lower, as an example). The person who got that scaled mark did top the state, but wouldn't have gotten 100 in the...
  11. drewgcn

    Distinction Courses

    I really wanted to do Distinction Philosophy, as it seemed the most interesting out of any HSC subjects, but I assumed our school would inform us when the time was to apply. I assume that now is far too late?
  12. drewgcn

    What happens to the 2nd 3rd and 4th?

    The short, semi-accurate answer is they will receive the 2nd best, 3rd best and 4th best HSC exam marks as their school assessment mark (not quite true, but practically, give or take a mark or two usually). The other answer is that their school assessment mark as a percentage of the whole...
  13. drewgcn

    no hsc..??

    Your school's median average UAI is 97.5 or something? Ist thou a Rusean?
  14. drewgcn

    Im in year 11, (year 12 now) few questions

    No no no! It won't. Your expected UAI will be far less than what you'll get if you do that. The marks you get from your HSC are very different to the marks you'll be getting in the school exams. E.g. a one paragraph response to a 40 minute exam in Adv. English got a band 2 for the HSC (check...
  15. drewgcn

    year 11/12 maths

    apak, Klaw is probably right. Maybe Tu17, if your school doesn't think you can do it, you might want to reconsider advanced. If you're not expecting a band 5 in the school certificate, I wouldn't be set on it.
  16. drewgcn

    One Year To Go......

    Please don't make a HSC countdown, what a way to increase nerves!
  17. drewgcn

    Official : Whats the worste thing a student has done to a TEACHER!

    Bwaha! Thats easily the craziest story ever! So incredibly obscure.
  18. drewgcn

    unit % = 90 +

    And even more likely have no free time.
  19. drewgcn

    How are the 06's finding yr 12 so far??

    We're in year 12 now? Well, nobody told ME!
  20. drewgcn

    finished, bored, and sober?

    If I were you I'd sit and stare at the sky. And quietly ponder when it is going to rain.