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  1. drewgcn

    A very quick question

    Thats exactly what I thought. Then I found this, just this morning: "The question invited candidates to use the personal ‘I’ and many used this approach very effectively." (from the 05 markers comments). Still though, its really up to the individual marker who's marking your paper, and...
  2. drewgcn

    please post solution to cssa q10(b) iii and iv

    ah tan x = 2. ignore please (delete thread if needed).
  3. drewgcn

    please post solution to cssa q10(b) iii and iv

    they've got me stumped. i get a max value at tanx = 0. that makes sense to me as the quadrilateral would become more squarish, but thats outside the domain and doesn't agree with the answer. so if anyone has the answer to the question could they please help?
  4. drewgcn

    Prohibition of Receiving a UAI.

    oh man, if that is actually the guy, thats classic.
  5. drewgcn

    1st in the state

    Thanks. Um 98 moderated. I didn't submit an FoI for the raw cause I was pretty sure it would have been rejected.
  6. drewgcn

    Bringing in a systems flowchart template?

    haha. sorry. usually i'm a search-button-is-there-for-a-reason kind of guy. time to go scavenging.
  7. drewgcn

    Fiscal Policy

    Look up the boredofstudies biki. It is really useful on Fiscal Policy.
  8. drewgcn

    Prohibition of Receiving a UAI.

    If he isn't at each subject for the required number of hours he doesn't get his hsc. Also, your school should make it a requirement that he has a medical cert for the days he's away. For all you know though, he might have. Anyway, I don't see how he's gaining an unfair advantage by not...
  9. drewgcn

    Bringing in a systems flowchart template?

    If you look on the back of the hsc timetable booklet, they have the allowed instruments to bring into each exam. SDD says NO calculators but you are allowed to bring a systems flowchart template. So whats the go with that, can you buy these somewhere? Do you make your own? Will the...
  10. drewgcn

    1st in the state

    The former, ipt in 04.
  11. drewgcn

    1st in the state

    I did in year 10. It's only exciting for a couple of days and then its got no other use than a good mark. You don't even get a prize or a trophy, just a certificate. Better to get the Premiers award...
  12. drewgcn

    Help -Rounding up? or down??

    A little disagreement with that, so I checked with someone else. My understanding is that you would round years up, as they are time periods required to reach the WHOLE number, but you wouldn't round less than a WHOLE number up? I.e. Say koalas start at 2, increasing at a rate of 0.1koalas...
  13. drewgcn

    Anyone done/doing Fight club?

    I did it for inner journey. Works even better for imaginative.
  14. drewgcn

    B6 Raw Score

    There was another thread deliberating over this a while back. From FOI applications and replies with raw marks, the estimates were around 94/120 for 90% and 101/120 for 93%. You can check it in the raw marks thread in the other forum, but there's a lot of junk.
  15. drewgcn

    Diary of Ann Frank for history and memory

    ding ding ding! its at least got either one or the other.
  16. drewgcn

    What are people creating for the HSC?

    I just handed mine in today. Was going to make a Touch Type Tutor but then decided to do it pair-based, and my friend suggested we make a UAI calculator. And now it's done.
  17. drewgcn

    school ranking How important? If you didn't know, it would make no difference whatsoever wouldn't it? Its merely a curiosity really.
  18. drewgcn

    Could someone please verify this

    Its easier to think of it as the electric field (qV) is working against the electron. If you take the kinetic energy of the electron in its original path as positive, the work done is obviously in the opposite direction (retarding voltage, not accelerating). Therefore you'd call it negative...
  19. drewgcn

    Year 10 Cohort with UAI.. explain?

    1. Yes 2. Moderated.
  20. drewgcn

    What are people creating for the HSC?

    Usually I just load a bunch of images into an array, and then use a timer that can be activated/deactivated by a keypress (such as when the character moves) to cycle through them as part of a loop. It might be a bit more painful, but it'll also show a bit of (possibly mark-boosting) logic to...