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  1. PoLaRbEaR

    What subjects are you doing?

    wow dropping maths...thats rare...
  2. PoLaRbEaR

    GEO students SGP?

    I did mine on Parking Spaces in Bankstown =)
  3. PoLaRbEaR

    Whats ure fav topic in Physics ?

    I like Ideas to was the easiest, and quite interesting too
  4. PoLaRbEaR

    Stargate SG1

    i dont follow it but if i do happen to watch it, i find it quite interesting..
  5. PoLaRbEaR


    yeh look at the front of that the bottom where the key is...
  6. PoLaRbEaR

    I havent done much in the past 2 yrs now im scared plz help

    we have been helping..we're giving you advice and trying to get you motivated!!
  7. PoLaRbEaR

    Is it normal to fail englsih miserably?

    or more briefly 'sea bear'
  8. PoLaRbEaR

    Is it normal to fail englsih miserably?

    yeh look up synonyms...dont use big, use large, enormous...dont use change, use transform, alteration...dont use sneaky, use surreptitious hahaha that has no relevance..[unless its for the creative response or something's being sneaky in your texts]
  9. PoLaRbEaR

    A really easy question in regards to prescribed text

    yeh something like analysis and synthesis of texts...its better to do more than one, just to be on the safe know wat they say: two texts are better than one... and yeh if they ever ask you more *AT LEAST ONE related text of your own choosing* then do two, cuz one still doesnt seem...
  10. PoLaRbEaR

    A really easy question in regards to prescribed text

    they wont say *ONE prescribed text* they'll say *YOUR prescribed text* and yes one poem is not enough...teacher's look for marks to give you, and if you only mentioned one poem then you wont get too much marks..
  11. PoLaRbEaR

    NEED Bruce Dawe supplementary material :D

    yeh the trials i did asked me to write a conversation between an advertiser and a youn consumer...i used humour in mine so it should be alright, but i didnt get to finish my conclusion =(
  12. PoLaRbEaR

    A really easy question in regards to prescribed text

    they dont say 'ONE prescribed text'...they say 'YOUR prescribed text' and yes it is possible that they might ask for a specific poem.. if they ask you for your prescribed text, it doesnt mean all of the poems, just two or three...its impossible to write abt all 7 seven[or how many there are]...
  13. PoLaRbEaR

    Is it normal to fail englsih miserably?

    gosh 40/120 with a mark like that?? if you fail english then you dont get a uai...
  14. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    yes indeed it is...but the subject is on everyone's mind so thats all we can readily talk abt apparently..
  15. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    theres still problem..
  16. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    just gotta work on it...find out your problem and rectify them..
  17. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    cant be that bad...
  18. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    hahah crappy endling...too abrupt, no description watsoever...i mark it 4/10...4 for the complication and 0 for the resolution..
  19. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    suddenly wild winds rush through the cold air, blowing the boat off course...a storm emerges from the depths of nowhere: cdark clouds form in thick packets, waves rise enormously to the sky and strong winds speed past...the forces of nature are obviously angry with Chand and considers it...
  20. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    on the moon you can go matrix style and avoid drive by the sea you cant even go out to swim cuz you'll be trapped in a huge glass bowl..