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  1. lucyinthehole

    Special HSC Prize

    i was just thinking that but in less... rough terms
  2. lucyinthehole

    Big day out 2nd announcment

    really disappointing, but i'm still going cos i MISSED OUT ON A HOMEBAKE TICKET >:( and i'm desperate to go to any music festivals...
  3. lucyinthehole

    P2P Music sharing

    sure, can i then be a heartless politican/general not concerned with the little people?
  4. lucyinthehole


    checkout (well, when it comes back on.. it's having a bit of downtime atm) and . those are torrent sites btw. i think if you wanna get into bootleg sharing, you definately have to get BitTorrent
  5. lucyinthehole

    P2P Music sharing

    YEAH!!! *runs away and hides* ;)
  6. lucyinthehole

    The Amazing Race

    dammit.. i missed this episode cos i had some friends over to celebrate end of HSC. really wanted to see their reactions to russia and the challenges they'd have to do cos i'm russian and these kind of things amuse me.
  7. lucyinthehole

    P2P Music sharing

    i can't believe people are actually saying "oh, it's terrible... oh, i feel guilty" WHY? please tell me WHAT EXACTLY is so terrible about it? don't feel guilty! that's just what the corporations are feeding you! (oh god i sound like such a weird lefty "die large corporations!" - but in this...
  8. lucyinthehole

    Finding the gradient question

    i got what someone on the first page did: gradient=3.5 x 10^-6, (but for units i forgot to put A^2, and so just got N/A) and k=1.75 x 10^whatever the real value is to the power off, can't remember. so it's pretty close to the actual value
  9. lucyinthehole

    plotting the bloody TRAJECTORY of a satellite...

    wasn't it 5 months? like.. the end of june to beginning of december or something? i remember counting in the exam and getting a bot over 5 months..... so i drew the earth a bit to the right of being completely opposite itself
  10. lucyinthehole

    Too easy?

    i'm not saying you personally can't feel like it was an easy test, or that it was impossible to do well in it. it's just that everyone knows how stressful the HSC is, and it really doesn't help when people keep making like "OMFG TaHt wAz sooooo EZEE!!!!11!!!11one" threads
  11. lucyinthehole

    Multi choice Question 1...lame..

    oh, none taken i guess i'll just go watch some tv with my less than half a brain :rolleyes: wanker
  12. lucyinthehole


    psst.. it's jordAn :lol:
  13. lucyinthehole


    pssst... it's michael jordan :p
  14. lucyinthehole

    projectile question

    yep got 220.8 for the range got the mass of the moon wrong, i don't know why, but i did everything right in the next part, hoping they'll treat it as carryover mistake.
  15. lucyinthehole

    Too easy?

    why do people on these forums insist on making these kinds of threads when they know very well that they'll offending or at least depressing a large proportion of people? it's just not nice mate
  16. lucyinthehole

    multiple choice

    i just realised i made the stupidest mistake, i knew the right answer, but i coloured in the wrong circle. i'm so disappointed. every mark is precious for me in this one, didn't really go that great... :( :( :(
  17. lucyinthehole

    Michael Jordan

    i mdae no sense... oh well, markers should have fun marking. so many desperate HSC students. i'm sure some people were extremely creative.
  18. lucyinthehole

    Goodluck / God Bless Everyone!!!!!!

    omg i can't believe it! i would have forgotten to bring my calculator if i hadn't looked in here!
  19. lucyinthehole

    Let's Brainstorm

    argh.. ok, i'm beginning to realise that there's a lot they could ask us.... pretty stupid.. any major research dot point basically, too. ok, here are the biggish just plain info things - galvanometers/loudspeakers (motor effect), - induction cooktops/electromagnetic breaking (eddy...
  20. lucyinthehole

    Let's Brainstorm

    ok, how about we all think about a) things they will almost definately ask cos they always do, and they are major parts of syllabus (unless they screw us over like in chem and ask pretty random stuff - no haber process! aargh.. ok.. need to move on....) eg - relativity (probably with...