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  1. lucyinthehole

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    "99 luftballons" Nena? that's the maddest song :D
  2. lucyinthehole

    Elliot Smith - From A Basement On The Hill

    d'oh! i just realised i spelt his name wrog in the nanme of the thread! only one t!!
  3. lucyinthehole

    Elliot Smith - From A Basement On The Hill

    nah, i wouldn't go for either/or first. it might put someone who's more into "rockier" music off, because it has mostly just him on guitar, which is beautiful in a different way. "between the bars" is amazing though.
  4. lucyinthehole

    Copying errors...

    you might lose one mark, but no more than that, if your answer is correct for the value you used
  5. lucyinthehole

    question 10 a)

    ah crap yes sorry, i shoulda checked the paper, not relied on my memory.... :p
  6. lucyinthehole

    question 10 a)

    yeah. costan = sin so you could reduce the 2nd equation to sin^2
  7. lucyinthehole

    Q9b - Acceleration-time graph

    damn. i got 1 right but not 2 :( maybe they'll still like my reason, and think that i meant t=4.... *shifty*
  8. lucyinthehole

    Who's setting for the 3unit 2???

    i plan to fail it. but since i'm doing 12 units, it doesn't really matter. still gonna feel sucky though :(
  9. lucyinthehole

    Ashlee Simpson screws up on SNL

    depends for what. soulseek and kazaa and those kind of things usually have clips. well, if the fans of whoever it was that perfromed are dedicated enough to spread it...
  10. lucyinthehole

    Question 8 b (iv)

    i wish i remembered what i got for that.....
  11. lucyinthehole

    was it harder than last year's??

    i think i've actually managed to get like 10/12 for q10, which is a first. i think this year was the same level as last year's. definately not harder. maybe even easier. last year's had that weird series question with the blocks, that changes halfway.... if i didn't make too many stupid...
  12. lucyinthehole

    Ashlee Simpson screws up on SNL

    i edited the first post include the working link. but hey, the more the merrier!
  13. lucyinthehole


    why would you willingly listen to emo? o_O
  14. lucyinthehole

    Hardest Question?

    i actually found 9 to be the hardest. 10 was do-able, but 9 had several random things, so i lost a few marks here and there.
  15. lucyinthehole

    chemistry/physics people

    what are you talking about? the maths papers are definately getting harder and more random. i did the last 10 years past papers, and you can literally tell how they gradually get worse
  16. lucyinthehole

    Elliot Smith - From A Basement On The Hill

    yeah and apparently he played the annadale hotel sometime ago. makes me sad to think i'll never see him live :(
  17. lucyinthehole


    wieghing is like the 4's and the 2's you put before function values in the formula, only condensed into a nice, neat table format :D
  18. lucyinthehole

    Maths Mark

    i started out the year so well, coming 1st in the first assessment, and now i'm like 17th, with a mark of 94... but i've slacked off for the HSC, i'm aiming at anything >100
  19. lucyinthehole

    just did couple past papers and i got 2/24 for questions 9 and 10

    if it's a velocity/time graph, integrate it with respect to v. because velocity = distance/time, so distance = velocity x time, ie the area under the graph, which is what intergration finds
  20. lucyinthehole

    significant figures

    wow o_O ......