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  1. Plebeian

    Did you know.....Arab-Israel conflict

    Care to give it a go then? You did your HSC last year, you can't use zahid's excuse :p
  2. Plebeian

    Board of Studies reveals 2004 raw marks

    Which teachers would know the raw mark cutoffs? Only the judges that set them?
  3. Plebeian

    Israeli diplomat...Ruddocks Daughter

    SMH photo of Caitlin Ruddock, hopefully the link doesn't die.
  4. Plebeian

    Did you know.....Arab-Israel conflict

    That is not how you presented it the first time, for example: and are both expressed as facts or truths. I don't see any "I think the British are to blame", you just came right out and said what apparently happened. It didn't, and that was the point of my post. Don't give me any crap about...
  5. Plebeian

    Did you know.....Arab-Israel conflict

    You neglected to mention that the Israelis also have a historical link with the region ever since the Kingdom of Solomon, founded c. 1021 BC (wiki), it's not like they just randomly turned up and said "we want to live here, for no reason at all". Also, I think you have your history a little...
  6. Plebeian

    Does Anyone Know A Dead, Non Extinct Thing? Its For My Bro's Assignment Due Tomorrow!

    I don't know if this is answering the question, but I seem to remember there were three types of things, living (eg. plants) dead (eg. a dead animal) non-living (eg. a rock) I think the thing you might be looking for is non-living, as in a rock. Otherwise, as Slide Rule said, anything...
  7. Plebeian

    O Week: the panics

    The Panics are playing support for Machine Gun Fellatio at Manning Bar during USyd O-Week (Friday March 4th), although that doesn't preclude them from playing at UNSW too.
  8. Plebeian


    Different schools do different things. I had to hand in a preliminary proposal, which was read by the teacher to ensure we were on the right track, but not marked. We handed in a final proposal with our essay which was marked. I think the point of this was to recognise that research intentions...
  9. Plebeian

    Summary of Rome: Society From Augustus To Titus.

    The full text (English) is available here. You'll never be able to remember the whole thing though? So those quotes probably are more useful...
  10. Plebeian

    Essay Drafts

    I would say no, and no. I think my draft was actually as long as the final essay, but I completely rewrote it from the draft anyway. Veridis is right, you should be basically trying to develop your basic arguments, don't worry about making it polished or anything - though in writing it you...
  11. Plebeian

    2005 History Extension Major Project Topics

    I know I sorta started it, but:
  12. Plebeian

    UAI/scaling in English Ad. and St.?

    Ah, so it becomes a sort of scaling based on the quality of the candidature, like the whole HSC.
  13. Plebeian

    UAI/scaling in English Ad. and St.?

    Why is this the case? If the content of Standard is easier, wouldn't talented students be able to score higher marks in Standard than dealing with the more difficult content of Advanced?
  14. Plebeian

    100UAI possible?

    You do need some luck too. My assessment ranks were about as competent as they could be (1st at a selective school in Eng Adv, Chem, Phys, A.His, and Hist. Ext., and ~15th in E1 and E2 Maths, my school's strongest subject), but a few parts of the exams didn't quite fall my way although I tried...
  15. Plebeian

    I know it's been asked before...

    Yes, the UAI is a rank, so what actual marks you get don't really relate to your UAI - ie., if you get all 75's, your UAI won't be 75 or anything. Generally, if you consistently get good marks, you will get a good UAI. It depends on how good your school is though, and how hard they mark...
  16. Plebeian

    2005 History Extension Major Project Topics

    *cough* rep *cough*
  17. Plebeian

    adv engineering

    Yes, I got it. I don't think I'll do it though - although it looks fun and interesting, 1) I have heard people lose interest in the project and they usually end up unfinished. 2) I already have a Science TSP to do. 3) I am overloaded atm anyway, unless I can fix it (which I hope to do).
  18. Plebeian

    100UAI possible?

    Counterexample :)
  19. Plebeian

    HECS 20% discount if you pay $500 or over

    Yeah I think it needs to be clarified that paying $500 doesn't entitle you to 20% off the rest of your fees for that semester or anything, just a 20% discount off whatever you pay upfront (so for each $80 you pay, the Govt kicks in $20 to remove $100 from your debt).
  20. Plebeian

    Highest UAI at your school?

    Unfortunately, that UAI doesn't exist :) Perhaps 99.80?