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  1. Tenax Propositi

    so...who is going?

    ummm ok so does that mean I have no access to the VIP room or that there isn't one? hahaha
  2. Tenax Propositi

    so...who is going?

    Hahaha though how do we gain access to VIP? Who's overlooking that?!
  3. Tenax Propositi


    haha, as "gay" as it may sound (so I'm not going to insecurely defend my position), I'm glad I went to a single sex school so I could maintain my focus on school. Maybe it could've been done in a co-ed school, but knowing me, I'm very particular when it comes to study conditions!
  4. Tenax Propositi

    Best Song 2003 ( so far!)

    I pretty much got through the HSC year with these albums. They're pretty diverse representing the rollercoaster ride of emotions that was the HSC - and my varied tastes! Avril Lavigne - Let Go Chicago - The Film Soundtrack Delta Goodrem - Innocent Eyes Creed - Weathered...
  5. Tenax Propositi

    - Law Transfer -

    Hi, a major decision I have to make (presuming I get into my second elected option) is whether to do a Bachelor of Economics at Usyd or UNSW. I really want to transfer into Law so that I can do combined Eco/Law, hence my very important question is: Is it EASIER to TRANSFER from Eco to Law at...
  6. Tenax Propositi

    Welcome to Faculty of Commerce and Economics

    Thanks a lot Minai. Chat to you about it further on msn soon (I hope James told you I needed to speak to you! Otherwise you're staring blankly at the screen right now I'm guessing...)
  7. Tenax Propositi

    Hostorians on Appeasement

    There are 3 schools which numerous historians on app. fit into: 1.The wartime (and postwar) Orthodox view 2. The 1960s sympathetic revisionist reappraisal 3. The self-styled counter-revisionist approach Taylor is unique in that he is a prominent historian who has revisionist...
  8. Tenax Propositi

    so...who is going?

    I MAAAAAYYYYYYBEEEEEEE going ... have to finalise arrangements with other friends atm so I'm not like totally nigelated on the night :p should be heaps of fun at this stage.
  9. Tenax Propositi

    how much maths in economics?

    I'm really worried now... I did 2U Maths and I hated it and sucked it simultaneously. But I did economics in high school as well and loved it and did well at it. But the thing is, high school eco has relatively little maths and I really want to do eco with honours at uni so mathematical...
  10. Tenax Propositi

    usyd scholarship interviews

    Hmmmmm I applied for Eco/Law... prob dependant on UAI of 95+ ....not getting any hopes up whatsoever.... Usyd Law seems to be a distant dream for me.... either that or a transfer But I am slowly drifitng towards UNSW because apparently a transfer from Eco to Law (combined, that is) is easier...
  11. Tenax Propositi

    Welcome to Faculty of Commerce and Economics

    Can anyone tell me (preferably as objectively as possible): 1. Is Economics better at UNSW or USYD? What are the differences, if any? 2. In the Financial Review (Monday 24/11/03), it said that there was a concern by the Economic Society of Australia that standards in Economics courses...
  12. Tenax Propositi

    Intolerable Cruelty

    LOL well, maybe I'm lucky then 'cosI liked it AND I only payed 8 bucks at Village @ Parra Westfields lol even though the cinema is much smaller... it was practically empty so it felt like my personal home entertainment centre :D
  13. Tenax Propositi

    Prefect / Vice / Captain

    I was a Prefect.... it was a good experience because our college really hypes up the prestige of the position and it required minimal work... except there were some occassions when the title placed expectations on you to attend certain things that clashed with what you wanted to do. In any...
  14. Tenax Propositi

    Speech Day/Night prizes for topping a course

    I cannot believe all you people get prizes of monetary value. All we get is a certificate, year in-year out. I was grateful for that until I read this thread! Unbelievable... Are you all from private schools? I really should have enrolled at a private school... I feel cheated :S
  15. Tenax Propositi

    Rate your best and worst subjects

    Best: Economics and Modern History (Based on interest + results) Worst: Mathematics... a completely boring, completely abstract and irrelevant subject to me.
  16. Tenax Propositi

    1unit SOR question

    FS1: Aboriginal Spirituality FS2: Christianity 1901-Present Cross Religious Studies: Christianity + another religion eg. Judaism.
  17. Tenax Propositi

    Easy !

    TYPING IT?! What school do you go to? Isn't that an unfair advantage? If I had the opportunity to type it I could have produced double the amount! And the same BOS markers will be judging our responses by the same criteria?!?! Sorry, I just find that VERY unfair.
  18. Tenax Propositi

    Other Studies in Peace and Conflict

    The Allied Occupation was excellent.... it was a question I had isolated in the syllabus as not having been asked and covering such an extensive period 1945-1951... so I was taking a gamble with it appearing but I'm so grateful it did! I don't think I could have written more than like 4 pages on...
  19. Tenax Propositi


    In regards to Speer part (a) the identify question, did everyone just basically state the key events or elaborate?? how many pages did you write for it and did you include historiography in the part (a) question?? was it necesarry to have an intro and conclusion for that q because i just...
  20. Tenax Propositi

    how may pages?

    Filled WW1 JUST in the nick of time (although I'm afraid it detracted from the quality of the response), 8 Germany, 5.5 Speer, 11.5 Conflict in the Pacific... Although a subjective assessment, I would say my handwriting was small-medium.... (whatever that is exactly!)