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  1. gracie007

    USYD/UTS Open Day 26/8/06 Roll Call

    yeah me. its annoying how theyre both on the same day though. i know they are close by and everything, but i wouldve rather spent the whole day just at sydney. oh well.
  2. gracie007

    eyebrow rings - HOT or NOT

    yeah they are, only if the guy is hot
  3. gracie007

    subject selections

    legal - lots of reading, discussion. the only really interesting part of the course is the crime topic. everything else is VERY bland. bio - interesting, but a lot of content is covered, gotta work hard for it.
  4. gracie007

    What have i done???!

    that maths mark is gonna bring u waay down. make sure u bring that right up
  5. gracie007

    hsc mark

    hey fallen__angel. u sound a bt like me, i hope u get better soon. dont worry urself over ur marks to much, i find it actually makes me more sad about it all. u should really consider applying for EAS, u definately have a case. good luck!
  6. gracie007

    UAI... plz help

    ^yeah iagree. nursing is bloody awesome. very rewarding job.
  7. gracie007

    80+ Uai

    man u have nooo idea with all these UAI estimates, its actually funny
  8. gracie007

    Questionably bad English marking anyone?

    If they mark YOU hard, they mark EVERYONE hard. have u checked ur friends' marks? in particular those who are about on the same level with you at english 2u? it also depends on ur ranks, maybe ur rank is pretty decent, in which case they are marking hell hard.
  9. gracie007

    80+ Uai

    i rkn ull be sweet
  10. gracie007

    Gap Year - forget the trials - there's life after the hsc

    wow, ur a complete down.
  11. gracie007

    Is science really difficult at uni?

    ok i have another couple of q's: 1) with the whole cadavers thing, i wouldnt mind it, but what years do you do thatin? and in what sort of subjects/courses? 2) i am doing general maths now (in year 12) . will that significantly disadvantage me? because i know you have to do maths...
  12. gracie007

    I havent done real study all year, and have procrastinated my way through year 12...

    yeh, im jealous, ur one of those freaks that dont even really need to study and u do really well. i know a lot of people like u. im a bit the same but i do need to be a bit of study. until now, for trials, i havent really done any, and ive been getting averge /above average for everything. but...
  13. gracie007

    So dudes, I want an 82-85 UAI

    yeah , ^ that happened to my bf and he ended up with 85. so dw, its not too late, anything is possible if u try hard enough
  14. gracie007

    anyone find it hard to get over someone?

    yeah, its terrible. ive had it before for two exes, each different lenths. its hard i know, but make sure you just try to move on. your friends can help.
  15. gracie007

    Is science really difficult at uni?

    what's cadavers?
  16. gracie007

    Is science really difficult at uni?

    What sort of marks for science did you guys get in your HSC? Just as a means for comparison.
  17. gracie007

    Is science really difficult at uni?

    thanks that was so helpful! it sounds pretty decent. ill have to see what i decide on. i dont wanna take the decision lightly of course because i get bored really easy! thanks again!
  18. gracie007

    Is science really difficult at uni?

    dora_18 : thanks for the info. im actually interested in the exact course you are doing, as well as others, but im not so sure yet. what uai did you get? can you tell me a bit more about health science? what sort of things do you study? i know thats a broad question, but just in general terms...
  19. gracie007

    UWS RET Test! [merged with RET test]

    Re: UWS RET Test! wtf? i got a letter for this. its such a rip you have to pay. i dont think ill consider yet since im taking a year off first.
  20. gracie007

    Is science really difficult at uni?

    I've heard that doing any science at uni is very hard. Is this true? How is the transition from high school science (chem / bio in particular) to uni science? See , I love the subject, but I'm not SUPER good at it, so I guess if its extremely challenging I shouldnt bother...but i'd like to...