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  1. I

    Raw mark of x should give....?

    i quoted , and im glad i did, but i also knew my shit
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    Anyone NOT going to schoolies?

    word! people give it these silly generalisations and assume that it's ONLY about getting pissed and getting laid from randoms wholl give you AIDS no, that happens, but not EVERYONE does that shit schoolies for me = great time with my GOOD friends, in a nice place, with a beach. just...
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    Im in year 11, (year 12 now) few questions

    hey dont stress about this now man, you got a LONG way to go so don't worry about it enjoy your last year at school :)
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    have you been buried in your room studying for 23 hours everyday in your whole high schooling life?
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    Easiest exam for a far while?

    god how annoying it was a standard modern history exam. nothing different from previous years. and i think it really depends on what bloody things you studied in relation to National Studies and Conflict Maybe YOU found them easy with your respective things you studied, but maybe the other...
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    band 6 cut off?

    yeh i dont give a shit anymore. one more exam to go and then my life begins. UAI is a life time away. so much shit to loook forward to - formal, schoolies, parties, life.
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    band 6 cut off?

    ^^ jesus are you serious? youd think EXTENSION HISTORY would do well with all that kind of shit but it doesn't? a 70% raw in english ADVANCED gets aligned to like high 70s and even a band 5, why wouldnt it do the same for extension history?
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    band 6 cut off?

    what do you think it'll be? i think a 33/50 raw would give a band 6 aligned
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    Extension History - General thoughts

    people like you seriously annoy me. I don't understand how you can think this was "the easiest paper by far". no it wasn't. it was normal, standard, and slightly more challenging than previous questions.
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    Predict Usa Hsc Question

    i doubt it'll be on the New Deal... there's still things they havent examined yet, why do it again? EDIT: Boy, was a wrong hahaha
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    Crime Fiction

    my story was shit. i dont think it had anything to do with conventions of crime. but fuck it. essay was alright, i hope. i think i answered the question. but oh well
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    How did you find the EE1 HSC Paper?

    the essay really stumped me at first, but then i understood it, and answered using a booklet + one page the story i fucked up in, and i will lose MAJOR marks for this. im actually really depressed. needed a band 5, wont see that shit ever. fuck the HSC (or moreso, my fuck ups)
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    Tupac Video?

    it's bullshit. he's dead. let the man rest in peace.
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    2UNIT paper apparently needed 3UNIT skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it was a 2 unit paper through and through. after looking at it again right now ive realised that it's very do-able. i wish i wasnt sick. my luck is shit.
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    i was sick during the exam

    yeh, i was. and now that i look at the exam again, 2 days later, the exam wasnt all that difficult. fuck being sick. maybe i just suck and am making excuses. but why can i do the questions now?
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    Australian Idol 2005

    Lee is gay
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    80's "old school" R&B

    lmao that shit isnt even 80s
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    what really pissed me off about this exam

    i worked my arse off - studied for 7 weeks specifically for this exam. what annoys me is the realisation that even if i put in 100000000000000000 more hours of study, it would not have made a difference *wishes he did general*
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    ^^^ fuck off you bragging peice of shit
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    Section I - Multiple Choice and short answers

    QUESTION 8: Which of the following best explains why many Christians in Australia supported conscription during World War I? a) To strengthen links with Britain b) The majority of soldiers were Christians c) To strengthen Christian unity d) All religious leaders supported conscription...