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  1. Heinz

    help: induction

    in other words, any positive integer plus one will always be greater than half of that positive integer plus one. Its pretty logical. btw, havent you finished school tooheyz? unless you like doing maths for fun or this is for uni?
  2. Heinz

    harder 4u cambridge q's i couldn't do

    I think all maths teachers are like that. In the past 2-3 weeks, weve supposedly covered polynomials, integration and volumes. Went through volumes in one lesson "thats basically it" says my teacher...
  3. Heinz

    can you solve this?

    thats the general solution (since there wasnt a specified domain, there are an infinite number of solutions) n is an integer
  4. Heinz

    help with integration

    Can someone please tell me where my error is? Its excercise 33b, question 23 of 4u fitzpatrick. woah, error on the second last line as well, should be pi(sqrt3)/6
  5. Heinz


    I wouldve loved to have been able to accelerate in physics and/or chemistry. Still, 2u and 3u maths is okay even though ill forfeit my 2u mark (waste of a band 6) and am doing 3u again cos i want a higher mark (just made it into the e4 band).
  6. Heinz

    How do u derive the displacement formula?

    This is where ext 1 maths come in handy. S = ut + at is the same as x = vtcos@(vcos@= u, acceleration in the x direction = 0) and y = vtsin@(vsin@= u) - gt( -g = a). Pick up an ext 1 maths text and read the proofs, theyre all derived through integration.
  7. Heinz

    2004 target UAI

    I want to hit the 99s but thats doubtful. UAI will most likely lie between 95 and 98
  8. Heinz

    4U progress

    My schools weird, the top maths class has already learnt 2u prelim and hsc stuff in year 11 (accelerated in 2u) and now theyre doing 3u prelim and hsc. But within the top maths class are the 4uniters who sit at the back supposedly "studying" :D Weve already learnt 2u prelim and hsc in year 10...
  9. Heinz

    Difficulty of 4u maths

    I dont know, its just found that to be the case from personal experience. For example when i was in year 7, we had this guy who was really good at maths but now that im in year 12, the same guy is struggling with 3u maths. Similarly, this other student who topped maths while i was in year 8...
  10. Heinz

    4U progress

    For 3u, i think my schools done polynomials, circle geom, parametrics, 3d trig and trig equations. As for 4u, weve done complex numbers and will finish polynomials this week. next week well be starting integration.
  11. Heinz

    Difficulty of 4u maths

    That reminds me, does anyone think that getting pushed into doing difficult maths at an early age will disadvantage you later on? Because some of the people i know who did year 7 maths (i know, very hard :P) while still in primary or started getting tutoring at year 7 dont do too flash in the...
  12. Heinz

    Difficulty of 4u maths

    i was just wondering if ext 2 maths is on par with the highest level high school maths in other countries.
  13. Heinz

    Problem in Complex Number Question

    Do you use a maths program to make those symbols?
  14. Heinz

    4Units Problem-Solving section

    As goos as keypad is, i dont think anyones solved it so far.
  15. Heinz

    4Units Problem-Solving section

    Check the "Appreciating the Beauty and Elegance (extracurricular topics)" forum to find out what the riemann hypothesis and who buchanan is
  16. Heinz

    School / Subject

    Drop the subject in which you got your lowest mark or rank in.
  17. Heinz

    private ( catholic ) vs. PUBLIC

    Do selective schools have good teachers?
  18. Heinz

    Favourite Subjects!!!

    Physics, Chemistry, Maths in no particular order. Theyre also the subjects in which i receive my best marks. Probably the case for everyone else too.
  19. Heinz

    standards packages thingys

    taken from the board of studies "In 2001 the Board of Studies NSW determined that student performance in the Higher School Certificate would be reported in relation to standards (or levels of achievement). Students now receive marks that relate to performance bands, where each band is...
  20. Heinz

    PDF Advice needed

    yeah, the print screen button :D