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  1. Heinz

    PDF Advice needed

    you can copy and paste text using the select text icon at the top of the page. not too sure about images though.
  2. Heinz

    How many units and what subjects??

    People who do more than 15 units are usually those who have accelerated in earlier years. And since they already completed couple of subjects which are likely to be in the top bands, then they have a good chance of getting a very high UAI.
  3. Heinz

    Bio vs Physics vs Chem....

    "In science, there is only physics; all the rest is stamp collecting" - Rutherford In other words, go physics! Just do any of the three sciences, its all about memorising a heap of junk anyway. I think chem has a little bit more calculations involved but in terms of course structure, all the...
  4. Heinz

    4unit maths is so not worth it!!

    but which is easier. getting 48.2 in 2u maths or 45.4 in ext 2 maths?
  5. Heinz

    4unit maths is so not worth it!!

    haha damn! 75th percentile in 4u equals the 99th percentile in 2u.
  6. Heinz

    Little help with the Bib

    Basically, theyre in text references. you put a number in superscript form next to a statement and at the bottom of the page, it has the number with the reference.
  7. Heinz

    How many units and what subjects??

    I think the general trend is that if you do more units, you get a higher UAI. for example, those people who do in excess of 15units. Personally, i do 13 units for a couple of reasons. Having backup being one and secondly because im equally strong across all my subjects.
  8. Heinz


    if you get 99 or 88 etc. then theyre homo...geneous :D
  9. Heinz

    4unit maths is so not worth it!!

    A friend of mine is doing exactly that. He accelerated in 2u and 3u maths in year 11 and although he is perfectly capable of doing 4u, his not. Instead, his deciding to concentrate on ext english, chem, bio and economics (the last two subjects his currently topping) Even rejected doing cosmology :(
  10. Heinz

    complex number

    I dont think it does give you the other root. just solves b and c which is what the question is asking for.
  11. Heinz

    reminiscing abt yr 7

    Year 7 and 8 provided some good memories. D&T, music, art and french classes were all such a bludge.
  12. Heinz

    School / Subject

    Yeah, the rosarian is the annual book published which has all the students from each grade. Theres also a yearbook produced for the year 12s but i doubt you can get a copy of that.
  13. Heinz

    complex number

    I think its because of the quadractic equation which is used to find the roots. The +- component of the equation generates two roots which are equal and opposite in value. If you have the 4u arnold text, theres a brief explanation at the top of page 29.
  14. Heinz

    complex number

    The other root is 3 + 2i (if the coefficients are real, the roots are conjugates of eachother). with this knowledge you can easily figure out the rest, i.e. the sum of the roots to find b and the product of the roots to find c. x^2 - (sum of the roots)x + (product of the roots) Edit: it...
  15. Heinz

    School size

    my school has over 1000 students.. all of whom are males :(
  16. Heinz

    Syllabus Question

    Do you use point form for all of the questions? I mean some verbs do lend themselves to the use of point form i.e. the lower order ones but what about the evaluate ones etc. ?
  17. Heinz

    Syllabus Question

    Maybe its the way youre answering things? (dont tell me you answer them in point form)
  18. Heinz


    (4C3 x 48C2 + 4C4 x 48C1) / 52C5 = 19/10829
  19. Heinz

    School / Subject

    Well, if by gay you mean happy then yes, pats is a very happy place. :D But seriously, I think the stereotypes about my school are totally unsubstantiated e.g. "pooftas paradise". There are of course some eccentric characters but in my opinion, most of the guys are nice and decent heterosexuals...
  20. Heinz

    School / Subject

    Whats wrong with pats?