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  1. nit

    Need Tutor - Wollongong Region

    you're prepared to go to Wollongong?
  2. nit

    hardest 4u topic

    conics wereprobably amongst the hardest stuff, given the expressions we derived and used were atrocious.
  3. nit

    FunniER Maths Jokes

    Roflcoaster!! This thread is getting sadder and sadder :) Sad thing is, I've heard all of these before...
  4. nit

    Cssa Trials...

    have you done the exam yet?
  5. nit

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    I'm always in the right hand end of wallace - the side where he asked the door to be closed cos of reflections. Maybe 7 rows from the front.
  6. nit

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    which lecture slot were you guys at?
  7. nit

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    yeh some of the things that nate lo says are just weird. He can be amusing at times too, but i liked good ol' Lars, the genetics dude. His incestuous twins pedigree and promiscuous female examples were pretty funny. Buying gloves would've been a good idea.
  8. nit

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    hehe yeh cat dissection was ok. It took a few minutes to get accustomed to the jacketed cat with its mouth wide open in front of us. But then we started prodding at its digestive system, which was all good lol. We didn't even get gloves or masks to do it though, and the thing was abt 2-3 years...
  9. nit

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    Actually quite a few ppl at uni were wearing STG and parra jerseys today.
  10. nit


    I fully endorse NEJM :)
  11. nit

    You *know* you're a chemistry nerd when...

    which ligands particularly, jumbo?
  12. nit

    No posting of Ruse Extension 2

    I knew you'd pick out that line when I wrote it :)
  13. nit

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    True, but you wouldve finished 1 full-time load at least by the end of next year.
  14. nit

    No posting of Ruse Extension 2

    I dunno, I think that some of those phrases ring truer than mathematics. Mathematics is, after all, a construct on the part of man to explain physical phenomena. Nihilism does make sense in some respects, despite the fact that it's an utterly useless philosophy. But yeh, the world has many more...
  15. nit

    Cssa Trials...

    the easiet thing is to make up a type of chemist as opposed to any specific names and make up a few roles. It's not that hard. Bsing about chromatography is pretty simple.
  16. nit

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    what are you going to do in 3rd year sedated? You're going to run out of 3rd year units... :rolleyes:
  17. nit

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    lol I saw that pic and never found her.
  18. nit

    Cssa Trials...

    lol all of HSC chemistry is bs in my opinion.
  19. nit

    Cssa Trials...

    Everyone knows Burhan :)
  20. nit

    too much english in maths!
