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  1. nit

    Course/subjects (2005)

    yeh hardly anyone turned up to the registration of interest meeting. I initially accepted but I'm withdrawing because of a clash with the seminar...I know 2 others doing the same thing. Looks like you've got yourself a small maths ssp class.
  2. nit

    Bsc or Bsc (adv) ?

    just go to usyd if you don't make unsw med...BSc(Adv) is a good, flexible, worthwhile degree as a lead-in to med. It fits nicely with med.
  3. nit


    I worked in my old kumon centre for a little work experience last was something handy to have in interviews etc. I didn't do it for too long though - it's hard to keep something regular during school and uni times.
  4. nit

    Chem Syllabus Screwed. How to go about telling BOS?

    The -ve sign is present due to the fact that there are two aspects of the universe - the system and the surroundings basically. The system is the region of the universe of interest - basically in each of these calorimetry experiments it is the substance whose heat of reaction you are...
  5. nit

    Interesting possible trick

    It's a pretty standard little trick - it's done in Cambridge yr 11, as Shafqat said, so it's well known.
  6. nit


    true that - I started when I was 4 :p
  7. nit


    you must have concentrated heavily on maths to end up at stats and vector spaces etc in 2 years - it took me about 6 or so years to get myself up to complex, when I decided it was useless.
  8. nit


    A private tutor when you're in year 3? That's a bit much isn't it?
  9. nit


    I did it from about kindergarten to yr 6 -ish. I thought it covered the basics well and allowed you to get ahead of the maths level for your grade easily, which sets you up for understanding things much more easily later on. I'm skeptical of the usefulness of Kumon beyond about yr 7/8, however.
  10. nit

    Best Sport EVER

    true, or even lawn bowls for that matter
  11. nit

    Best Sport EVER

  12. nit

    Arcade @ Wentworth

    ^what kind of shit?
  13. nit


    out of the 7 people I sat the exam with, I had never seen any of them.
  14. nit


    But 04er threads are useless for 05ers finding out fellow 05ers doing the elective ;)
  15. nit

    Arcade @ Wentworth

    never been to the arcade...i usually go to the cubby
  16. nit


    Indeed it was an undergraduate interview
  17. nit

    UMAT TIPS (stop PMing me)

    I avoided all that eyeballing of other students...I did it on the alternate test date at UTS along with some 5 others or so.
  18. nit

    Umat questions from today

    looks like there were a few repeats from last year.
  19. nit

    UNSW or USYD

    Whether you opt for unsw or usyd usually is a sentimental decision. The unis in general offer pretty much similar courses, and the quality of the teaching at either institution is sound for the most part. You can't really go wrong at either place provided you put the work in.
  20. nit

    My story, yet again

    I detect some spam :rolleyes: