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  1. ahen

    When your teachers leave...

    omg i was wondering why the scenario sounded so familiar, i was just thinking, hang on a second my religion teacher vanished, and my english adv/ext teacher is deputy, and i heard that clatty has vanished and i said hang on don't I go to a selective/community skool? and then i saw that it was...
  2. ahen

    Prelim Ext.1 English Exam

    we haven't done utopia in extension, but we have in advanced.. we compared it to the film pleasantville. the idea of a utopia is pretty broad but we basically focused on whether it was possible/realistic and if so what components of it make it realistic. why people feel the need to create...
  3. ahen

    YR 11 Transition to Selective

    science, maths, english. pretty much the same format/setout as in yr 7 ( did u do it in yr 7?) and they look at your reports, what your school says about you and do an interview. they like extracurriculars. but i heard they made it like that for yr 7 now as well. am unsure.
  4. ahen

    Ancient history vs Economics

    i do eco for the units URGH hate it-.- seriously can't wait to drop it in 8 weeks time! but yeah i guess the sciency/mathsy people will like it better cos it " makes sense" where as bullshit artists like me who are more inclined towards 4U english hate it. hence the dropping. ancient is...
  5. ahen

    YR 11 Transition to Selective

    lol woah north sydney boys ay? well if u dont make it in u'll probably get into hurlstone/ macfields( the best school ever =P)/sefton etc so i wouldn't worry. that is, if you're any good. but this year ( or back in yr 7) is your best chance in getting in, bascially if you apply you're into one...
  6. ahen

    Extension 2?

    yeah im in the same boat as other yr 11ers on here. we have two ext classes and i'm in the top one coming equal 2nd/3rd and our class is REALLY competitive. i'm pretty sure most of the lower class will drop it and a couple from my class are dropping EE1 as well. They're asking about EE2 now and...
  7. ahen

    Bi or Lesbian in Sydney

    great idea, but is it at a uni and therefore only for uni people? what if pplz from schoolz and stuff wanna meet up?
  8. ahen

    anyone find it hard to get over someone?

    what do you do when you guys are in the same group of friends? you have to see them 24/7 it's not like you can escape them, especially when you're tooootally not over them.
  9. ahen

    2007 Jerseys

    Re: what are you putting on the back of ur year 12 jersey? people say its too early to start thinking? man i've been thinking about it since yr 7 when i encountered my very first yr 12 jersey on the back of an unsuspecting yr 12er. our school lets u put anythig ( not offensive) on the back...
  10. ahen

    10? 11? or 12 units for year 12?

    hmmm am currently finding all my subjects pretty ok almost easy to handle. i mean not EASY but i'm not dying if you get what i mean. i don't need outside help tutoring etc. so if i pick up that extra unit of ext english ( 4unit english) and drop economics i shall have 11 units. and from what i...
  11. ahen

    opinions on va

    i do va and i love it. people take it as a bludge but it's not . thing is though that i find it quite easy, maybe i'm just a great artist =P lol nah according to my teacher i actually follow the criteria and make my work to suit it so there's like half ur marks. then of course you have to be...
  12. ahen

    hlp needed 4 comparison of texts

    hmmm yeah we did pleasantville and Utopia but i could sorta give you some basics cos my teacher LOVES compare and contrast ...honestly that man...*strangles and stabs him* anyway! - look for similar themes and concepts with both texts - look at differing themes and concepts - integrate...
  13. ahen

    Why did you attend Year 11 ?

    there's also the whole azn/curry parents drilling into kids minds that u CAN'T GET A JOB unless you do ur HSC unless you wanna be a blue collar worker. thats just what most of em say, not that it's true or anything. - i don't have much of a choice lol - i don't really know what i want to do so...
  14. ahen


    *grumble* am still going on with othello ( will it ever end??) our stupid teacher is making us do some bloody director log thing - like a journal explaining what we think is relevant to a contemporary audience and why - so we can produce it in our own ( imaginary of course) play! and to make...
  15. ahen

    gender perceptions assessment

    wow this forum is so dead compared to others... lol anyway hey you guys can you please help me out with this question i have for my asessement? evaluate the impact media has on gender perceptions i nthe australian society Now i've basically got my points and everything but it says that we...
  16. ahen

    Laptops at school

    i get sooo distracted on the computer, i prefer to write with all my books and notes handy and my stereo playing in my room. i don't have a lap top but if i did i wouldn't take it too school - too much chance of something happening to it. though it would be useful because of the increased...
  17. ahen

    What To Do??

    this guy seriously reminds me of a teacher who used to teach at my school. luckily i never got him, but i feel sorry for whoever has. well school cert wise, it's skills based so not having studied texts isn't THAT big a deal. but then again yr 10 is a great lead up to yr 11 in terms of...
  18. ahen

    Subject selection

    at my schoolo you can also do 1 unit of religion which is what i did to go with 3u english. also in terms of business/eco/legal. legal didn't run this year at my school but eco and business did i do economics and i hate it. the subject itself isn't that bad but the way they teach it is really...
  19. ahen

    preliminary essay help!!!

    THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!!!!!! and don't worry i wasn't expecting anyone to do the essay for me, i just didn't know where to start but now that i know where to go i should be fine, once again THANKS HEAPS!!!!
  20. ahen

    Stuck with the same subjects till the end, any regrets?

    anyone wondering about economics? it sucks shit it's awful it's boring and mind numbing and i can't fucking wait to drop it and then go and burn my eco book . just like i tore up all my maths books at the end of last year! DIE MATHS DIE SCIENCE DIE...