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  1. ahen

    Viva Voce

    yeah mine's at the beginning of next term but cos our class is so small ( we've gone from 9 to 4) it's all "negotiable" so if we were desperate the assessment could be moved around by a couple of weeks *shifty eyes* but why are you guys having yours already? wow i i don't even have a freaking...
  2. ahen

    SMH - Cheating in the HSC - Major Works

    last year in yr 11 i didn't necesarily plagerise but in a lot of in-class essays i'd just bring in my notes and hide em under my paper and copy away, the teacher never noticed. then today in my inclass assessment i shoved my notes aside so i wouldn't see them, halfway through i was looking out...
  3. ahen

    eng ext2 crisis...><

    lol yes yes i was not saying that just because we go to a selective school ( macfields especially *cough*) that instantly garuntees great marks, far from it. Sorry didn't realise you were joking around but my friend got kind of annoyed at the comments is all. Just for the record i too hate...
  4. ahen

    07 Gendered Languageers!

    HEY! PEOPLE WHERE ARE YOU? my school can't be the only one doing gendered language around here can it? cmon you guys we're at a disadvantage as it is what with the lack of resources and textbooks on gendered language etc, the least we could do is help each other out. See if we're all wrong...
  5. ahen

    The Official 2005 Gendered Lang thread!

    i can't believe it's been dead since last year damnit! i need help! where are all the 07ers???
  6. ahen


    omg this forum is just beyond dead. anyway if anyone out there is currently studying Buddhism as well , do you know any good links /website/ resources for examining the purpose and the significance of Wesak? thankyou! gawd it sucks that we have to do the new bloody syllabus cos there's no...
  7. ahen

    eng ext2 crisis...><

    excuse me mr " i'm angry so i have an excuse to diss others" but scarlett here happens to be a VERY capable english student, i know cos i've seen her work, she came equal 2nd with me in yr 10 and came 7th in yr 11 and we don't go to some derro school like james meehan or anything , we go to a...
  8. ahen

    eng ext2 crisis...><

    well my dear friend scarlett who i ran around with all freebie trying to convince to drop jap and keep ext 2, honestly what do you think i'm going to say other than DO NOT DROP EXT 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol no seriously, i think that cos jap takes up so much of your time ( in terms of...
  9. ahen

    teahcer can't teach!

    maybe its cos we had such an awesome teacher for yr 11 extension english that i'm comparing her to his standards. But the other thing is i love english and im doing ext 2 so i couldnt drop ext 1 even if i wanted to. i'd learn from a textbook if i could FIND a textbook, frigging gendered language...
  10. ahen

    teahcer can't teach!

    i do english ext 1- our topic is the rather rare one of gendered language. but that's not really the problem. the problem is that the teacher we have can't really teach the topic, i don't think she knows that much about it to be honest. set text 1 You Just Don't Understand by Deborah Tannen we...
  11. ahen

    Planning to study this year?

    lol i agree with you hungster! i think that's just, anti social. it's the same as home schooling, you'd never learn the the stuff that you can only learn at school, ie. interacting and working with very large groups of people on a daily basis. you don't get EXPERIENCE and we all know that...
  12. ahen

    what school are you at?

    aaah but hung i know you ! :D mr ex macfielder! lol yes that's right i go to macquarie fields high school, just for your information the riots did not happen anywhere near my school they actually happend near "james meehan high school" ( opposite the housing commision) and just cos of their...
  13. ahen

    Some BOW advice for future Visual Art Students

    hmm ..thing is i feel like i've already finished my BOW, is it too soon? like i've shortlisted images i want to use and i'm fairly certain about them. i guess now if i get any sudden inspiration or whatever i can just add it and ask peoples' opinions on what i've currently done.
  14. ahen

    Farewell songs

    hey xclusv2bhung yes we did didn't we =P i remember we sat there and laughed our arses off at those girls ROFLMAO *wipes tear from eye* friggin hilarious. i can't believe i didn't realise it was you! *smacks you on the back* who ELSE would noe those pokemon songs? *whacks head* oh well now we...
  15. ahen

    Farewell songs

    yeah "my best friend" and "together forever" from pokenmon =P friends forever - a classic when we were young - fits it perfectly i reckon 5 years from now - mercury 4 :sorta kinda time of your life - yet another classic my yr 6 song "reach for the stars" S club 7 photograph : nickelback...
  16. ahen

    my teacher is so cliche!

    i do english extension 2 and my teacher always stresses how uncliche he wants us to be and how we should come up with something super original. so i get all into that thought process then walk in to art where my teacher goes "do whatever". then i came up with a satirical idea that i think is...
  17. ahen

    confused about idea

    woah very detailed replies! much appreciated =D hmmm have been thinking and was talking to my teacher again today - we were brainstorming and cos we'd done "taboo" in yr 11 we were thinking of ways to incorporate that into an appropriation. still early days yet but he was saying that the issue...
  18. ahen

    confused about idea

    ok well my english ext 2 teacher reckons my ideas are good...but too cliche. how the hell is anyone supposed to compose something totally original "with flair" (according to the syllabus) i've got someone doing a series of suicide letters ( but not teen angsty) someone studying "love" someone...
  19. ahen

    Beneath Clouds

    what the hell ? you can write about it can't you? cos my english teacher brought it in for us to watch and deconstruct as a related text. so yeah please explain so i know whether or not i should bother doing my english hw
  20. ahen

    Extension English 2

    yeah im definately doing ext 2 and first class is next wednesday!! =O should be very interesting and hopefully very rewarding experience, though our teacher decided to explain it in terms of having a baby, which we all agree was a rather odd and disturbing analogy =P but yeah if your writing is...