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  1. MoNNiE

    Utada - Exodus

    yeah i think this album is abit of a let down.. it's better if it was mixed with abit of jap and english together.. personally just all english osnt a hot turn on.. but eeh..i stil like some of er songs on exodus.. easy breezy :p and devil inside of me..:D
  2. MoNNiE


    yes irt's possible go into your cp>options and scroll unti lyou get to Thread Display Options unclick displayed images this will disable images appearing in posts and sigs.. instead if displaying it will leave a link to the image..
  3. MoNNiE

    Yearbook comments

    we didn't either..we had a cd.. which was my friends multi project.. we could of had a book but ppl are lazy~
  4. MoNNiE

    Yearbook comments

    "in 10 years time we'll go back to school and find that letter about farting from year 9 :p" "marry me i don't want to lose you!.. best of luck dude "
  5. MoNNiE


    maybe.. i'm tossing up between the engineering cruise or escape both on the same night..:(
  6. MoNNiE


    kelly chan?!! her eyes freak me out sometimes... sooo wide open and big~
  7. MoNNiE

    Best/Worst Novel

    believe it or not.. i actually liked the novels that were given to us to read at school..
  8. MoNNiE


    hahah ahhh wad spunks! hero :p
  9. MoNNiE

    go u broncos!!!

    10 - 0 i'm shocked as hell!! well done cowboys!
  10. MoNNiE


    i saw a sexc looking ferrari that looks exactly like the one in ur sig realert..~ me wants one!!
  11. MoNNiE

    Excel guides / Other textbooks...?

    i remember trying to find an excel engineering studies book.. couldn't find one! but then the rochford ones were pretty acceptable!
  12. MoNNiE

    Top Places To Pull A Pick Up

    busty chick friend... ?~ hhaha the first thing that sprang to mind just then was kings cross.. plenty of busty chicks there... give them $50.. and they'll be your friend :P i think cigar is getting to me now..
  13. MoNNiE

    damn spam

    sif delete! i actually read them! -- okay maybe they are spam .. i don't realli care about uni elections neway :p
  14. MoNNiE

    Travel: Airlines that you'd like to fly with

    psht! i don't answer to you! bitches listen to their master NOT master listens to the bitch :p besides i'm at uni.. there are all these cute looking azn guys going past :P
  15. MoNNiE

    Travel: Airlines that you'd like to fly with

    i've flown on ANA - they fed us hogan dais damn it! Qantas Ansett of course Thai Caf. pacific i wanna go on emirates and singapore
  16. MoNNiE

    What If I Can't Get Into Uni? next best options...

    are you referring to me? if you were, i'm already at uts..and i recieved the uai needed to get into the course i'm in now.. if my memory serves me correctly uts had advertised in the newspaper before uni started about getting into university if you didn't recieve the uai cut off (BUT...
  17. MoNNiE

    What If I Can't Get Into Uni? next best options...

    if your uai is just below the cut off apply to the university directly -- u'd be supprised! (back doors - uts has them :))
  18. MoNNiE

    Some Award

    band 3 -- ! sif.. i was shit at english - failed assessment tasks..:S but stil i managed a band 4 essays - screw that i never practiced! english teachers can tend to be rather biased when marking essays
  19. MoNNiE

    Is Macq boring?

    hhaah.. ahh if only maq was NEARER to the city :p
  20. MoNNiE

    Journal articles

    yes you can access journal databases from home.. from UTS you need to go through the library portal where you select the the search engines you wish to choose, from then you are carried over to the next page where you need to log with your university student number and p/w.