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  1. drewgcn

    IPT 2004 HSC paper

    Anyone know if they're releasing the sample responses for that test like the other standards packages?
  2. drewgcn

    The TRUTH about IPT!!!

    er...what? I just saw you in there but...I dont remember ever going into those channels before. *whispers* irc stalker.... :p
  3. drewgcn

    The TRUTH about IPT!!!

    S'matter of fact I do! Where have you seen me lurking in the gloomy corners of?
  4. drewgcn

    automated notes?

    Not anymore! These were made from Jacaranda and Heinemann... Sorry, had to get rid of the system box diagrams to get it to upload. EDIT: Sorry, the "booklet" i keep referring to (I later discovered) is the Jacaranda textbook.
  5. drewgcn

    anyone have school past papers for IPT?

    Final Fantasy I have a crapload of sample tests and responses if you would like some emailed to you... PM me with your email if you'd still like... (not sure if they're within the file size limit.)
  6. drewgcn

    anyone have school past papers for IPT?

    Ah. Uses a macintosh AND from the shire. Dangerous combination...
  7. drewgcn

    Shift Vs Caps lock

    I wonder how much electricity it would save if everyone used the shift key so as to save that little Caps Lock light from turning on. *waits for next Energy Australia ad*
  8. drewgcn

    The TRUTH about IPT!!!

    Yahuh. Danke! :) Do I know M Hunter? (said in an overtly rhetorical tone) Damn straight! He's like my best mate... Oh. So. True.
  9. drewgcn

    Do you have a thumb drive???

    Chief, when the network admin does something that restricts your access, you have a moral (okay, okay, geek-driven) obligation to find a way around it. Its the only way you'll ever be free. Soon you'll be shutting down computers from across the network. Remember, it is you who pwns the network...
  10. drewgcn

    Do you have a thumb drive???

    I hate the people that wear them around their necks. What kind of a fashion accessory do they think that is?!? Besides, true computer nerds dont need flash drives. The memorise binary dammit.
  11. drewgcn

    Which IPT book do you recommend?!

    When excel appears different from what you learn in class.... DO NOT GO WITH EXCEL. It has some things that are wrong, that will confuse you and you'll start wondering which is right, changing your definition of things and it'll mess up your whole system and screw you over. My suggestion is...
  12. drewgcn

    Major Project 2005

    lol, project work is hardly a topic on its own, its rarely examined on its own in the HSC exam, usually tied into another topic. Its more like, the support for other topics. Its like having a supermarket isle dedicated to margarine. ;)
  13. drewgcn

    IPT scaling profile

    IPT scales slightly badly, but before you go into rage mode like I did upon finding out its not so bad.... To put it into perspective on levels... 1 Physics, Economics etc. 2 Geography, Legal Studies 3 IPT, Engineering Studies, PDHPE 4 Food Tech, Community and Family, Senior Science...
  14. drewgcn

    MaJor Project 05 Suicide

    Do an anti-suicide destressing program. That should help ;) Put in sounds of whales crying and all that shizzle.
  15. drewgcn

    Major Project 2005

    We did a multimedia project which had to be a website or powerpoint about fish. We made this fancy-shmancy looking website (well, i made the website, and my group members filled it in with everything), and our mascot was an 8-bit monochrome gif we found of a dopy looking fish. That fish...
  16. drewgcn

    I Have no assessments for IPT

    He's not really allowed to do what he says he's going to do (sounds like hes lazy), he HAS to give you a group project that's worth 20% of your whole assessment. (Refer to Jaits post). BUT basically, this is pretty awesome for you in terms of time, as we had 3 MASSIVE assessments that took ages...
  17. drewgcn

    The TRUTH about IPT!!!

    Well, to answer the original question/s... no, its not that hard no, its not a bludge, but its easier than subjects like economics or physics yes, if you have no interest in computers, it'll be boring (lol, so why the crap did you choose it?), but if you like computers, its the bomb...
  18. drewgcn

    How long did u/do u think u should spend on ur major project??

    Thats crazy. I remember getting 97 for my major multimedia was a a group task (3 peeps) and we put in max 20 hours each. Your teacher's just bluffing - i mean, you don't really think the rest of your class is going to do more than 30... Show that biznatch up! ;)
  19. drewgcn

    Folio Structure

    folio? I don't remember doing one of those.
  20. drewgcn

    Windows XP Home Vs Pro

    Nah thats got nothing to do with what operating system you're using. As long as the motherboard supports hyperthreading/multiple CPUs it will work on any computer.