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  1. drewgcn

    General Tips for English Extension 2

    Mewcou, would you mind uploading your story? You have aroused my curiousity :)
  2. drewgcn

    The TRUTH about IPT!!!

    Why would you take IPT if you weren't into computers though? Its not like its assumed knowledge at uni's for any courses. Thats like hating clothing and doing textiles...
  3. drewgcn

    Google Maps (Beta)

    And slightly disturbing at that.
  4. drewgcn

    Hotmail Passwords

    sif you need to beg nowadays. ive got 50 invites getting cold that nobody wants.
  5. drewgcn

    BoS paper

    There really has to be different acronyms for bored and board. The confusement.
  6. drewgcn

    Google Maps (Beta)

    It's pretty cool, but it'd be cooler if you could see the people walking around :p
  7. drewgcn

    Windows XP Home Vs Pro

    Theres a new OS called Longhorn coming out, but it doesnt have support for 64bit processors. There'll probably be a version with it released though. Windows 64bit is in beta stages but it should be released eventually... oops, upon checking... turns out it was FINALLY released this...
  8. drewgcn

    i-Pod Loss

    Munchkin dropped her ipod and now she is blue its okay now though - cause all my reputation points ARE BELONG TO YOU! ... no really. they are.
  9. drewgcn

    i-Pod Loss

    heh. I'm pretty sure Poon-Tang was JOKING. Well I laughed at least...
  10. drewgcn

    Stupidist Thing You have known someone do to a computer

    BWAHAHA thats gold jerry!
  11. drewgcn

    Querying in Database help??????

    Do you mean, what is the SQL (structured query language) used to form that query? Or how do you create a query in say, Microsoft Access? For the former...the above two posts have the answer. If it is the latter, the Microsoft Paperclip is your friend :D!
  12. drewgcn

    Windows XP Home Vs Pro

    Wait, MedNez is right. It's hyperthreading, not both hyperthreading and multiple processors. Still though, why would a person running a home computer with win xp home be using multiple processors?
  13. drewgcn

    Raw marks article on SMH--go Laz!

    Ahh touche, that would explain it.
  14. drewgcn

    Raw marks article on SMH--go Laz!

    bwahaha! thats hilarity at its best! I don't really understand why brendan nelson would say that though...if he believes that the marking standards are too easy shouldn't he be the one responsible for that, being the education minister (well obviously he doesn't mark the exams, but still)?
  15. drewgcn

    how to read Table A3 on uac site?

    Yep. Pretty much. By the way, are you going to be in the new harry potter book?!?!? :O
  16. drewgcn

    Tired advanced scaling question

    You can't really call the scaling in advanced english "crap" when its average scaled mean is 31.2, whereas legal studies is ~25 and modern is 27.4...
  17. drewgcn

    The Prelim msn list....

    HEY Monica! can you guess who this is? I'll give you a hint: *hands monica bells. lots of bells. right before he dubs her in his knightly power*
  18. drewgcn

    IPT 2004 HSC paper

    heh. They didn't say I got 100%...
  19. drewgcn

    IPT 2004 HSC paper

    My bad...I didn't know that was online. Actually it wasn't really "my decision"...I used the answers and descriptions the teachers gave us the day after the exam, assuming they would have known correctly (I wouldn't have just posted my guesses assuming they were all correct), but I guess not...
  20. drewgcn

    IPT 2004 HSC paper

    Edit. My bad...