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  1. Plebeian

    *dumb* questions on roman society

    I'm pretty sure plebeians couldn't become senators - if they could (legally) it would have been extremely rare.
  2. Plebeian

    *dumb* questions on roman society

    Well we haven't done Roman society yet but we learnt a bit in Augustus and the Julio-Claudians.. An equite is the same thing as an equestrian..basically they are businessmen, middle-upper class - merchants, etc. Under Augustus they began to participate in the Imperial bureacracy...
  3. Plebeian

    Claudius Question

    He wasn't really just a bumbling idiot, despite his physical disabilities... the creation of the civil service was necessary to handle the increasing expansion of the Empire. In terms of infrastructure, he did have some major building plans: -2 huge aqueducts to supply water to Rome -a...
  4. Plebeian


    Yeah, I read them in primary school. They're fantasy books where the characters are all mice, ferrets, rabbits, etc. but they act like medieval and have wars and such. They were published all out of chronological order though which was gay.. the author wrote them all in random order and then...
  5. Plebeian

    aligned marks

    If the UAC scales from raw marks, then why does SAM (which calculates UAI) require aligned marks?
  6. Plebeian

    How much have u done on Your major Project and when is it due?

    I think that would be for your teacher to decide, whether they are happy to mark drafts of people from other schools. Depends on whether it's a multi-volume epic... ;) But seriously, I'd be happy to. It'll make me have mine done a bit early, rather than at the last minute.
  7. Plebeian

    How late is too late

    Well when is your project due?
  8. Plebeian

    Porn on MSN?

    Deleting all the registry entries will probably takes ages, so spy removers is probably better...Ad-aware is still the best:
  9. Plebeian

    How much have u done on Your major Project and when is it due?

    A focus question and gathering of all my source material. It's due week 2 of term 3.
  10. Plebeian

    The half - Yearlies

    We had no half-yearly, just a practice essay. We had a marked essay a while back, but most of our assessment mark comes from our project. It's worth 40 out of the overall 50 for us. Is it worth this much everywhere else?
  11. Plebeian

    Criticism Needed for Proposal...10 drafts and counting...

    Next Mother Teresa, eh? (or actually Father, since I am male...) Well, I don't know about that - just trying to help. I think the changes you've made sound good, and should cover what your teacher is asking for. I still think she's kind of missing the point - IMO the proposal shouldn't...
  12. Plebeian

    Criticism Needed for Proposal...10 drafts and counting...

    After having read it again, I think there might be a few things you could improve. 1. I don't think it is clear enough exactly what you want to say about each historian. You seem to have a few points written for each one but not a really concise argument. All the stuff is undoubtedly true...
  13. Plebeian

    need some help

    Yep, it goes under that topic (the Delian League was founded 477BC to make sure Persia never came back after the wars). Since Greece 500-440 is a Historical Period, you will have a choice of two essay questions in the test. Chances are one will be Persian Wars and one will be Delian League...
  14. Plebeian

    Criticism Needed for Proposal...10 drafts and counting...

    Hmm... I really can't see how your proposal doesn't meet the requirements your teacher has set out. I think you have done a good job of summarising the changing interpretations. Maybe you should ask your teacher exactly what is wrong with it and work from there.
  15. Plebeian

    what is everyone doing

    Well, Claudius wasn't gay. The others might have been. (we should probably leave this thread on topic)
  16. Plebeian

    Ancient Israel anyone..? & Scaling?

    Scaling for ancient (like most subjects) depends on where you fall in relation to the average.. if you go really well (ie band 6), it won't screw with your marks; otherwise, they go down a tiny bit. The standard deviation is pretty high, I think. Check the SAM aligning and scaling profiles for...
  17. Plebeian

    Would you reccommend extension?

    I'd say being a good reader is just as important as being a good writer - to get to grips with the wide range of opinions on history, there is a lot to read. I'd imagine that if you love modern you wouldn't mind reading though.
  18. Plebeian

    what is everyone doing

    Agrippina the Younger Augustus and the Julio-Claudians (they weren't gay, just incestuous ;) ) Roman Society from Augustus to Titus The Greek World 500-440BC (ie Persian Wars) My topics overlap pretty well - it's good.
  19. Plebeian

    Views of History

    Chapter 5 is mainly about postmodernism vs. modernism (empiricism & relativism). I think the 'defining history' bit is defining whether history can exist at all as the true investigation of past events, or whether all the postmodernist views are right and history can't really succeed. I...