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  1. Plebeian

    Von Ranke and others

    Von Ranke was the founder of the empiricist (scientific) school of historical thought. Prior to von Ranke, there was no clear distinction between history and literature. He was probably the first person to emphasise that history was a factual inquiry into the past, rather than just retelling...
  2. Plebeian

    persian wars- bibliography of themistocles and contributions to persian wars

    If you think the info you've found is too brief, you might want to try reading Plutarch's Greek Lives (aka The Rise and Fall of Athens) which has a whole chapter on Themistocles through his life. It's not really easy to read though.
  3. Plebeian

    Good JFK Sources

    I'm doing JFK, though we haven't started the case study yet (still doing historiography). As well as the Dark Side of Camelot, we're using "A Question of Character" by Thomas C. Reeves which is another revisionist biography of JFK. It seems pretty good so far and it has a chapter about...
  4. Plebeian


    Evidence can probably only restrict a historian's bias to reasonable levels, as in stopping them from presenting an entirely wrong argument (such as that the Holocaust didn't happen, etc.).
  5. Plebeian

    How would you classify these historians??

    Yes, most empiricists probably aren't truly objective but they aim for it, in theory at least.
  6. Plebeian

    Views of History

    Is this 7000-page thing the Book of Readings? ie excerpts from different works by historians. I thought that was given out by the Board of Studies, but maybe not. Nerissa, History and the Historians is sort of a short overview book of historiography, going pretty much chronologically through...
  7. Plebeian

    The navy

    Just a minor point, but they sailed to attack the bridge over the Hellespont after Salamis in order to get Xerxes to flee Greece. The bridge was a weak point and the Greek navy used this and exploited Xerxes' fear of being trapped in Greece if Ionia revolted. Apart from that their main role was...
  8. Plebeian

    How would you classify these historians??

    Empiricists are historians who believe that historical objectivity is attainable and desirable. They believe that there was a real history and that not every interpretation of the past is equal: interpretations must be supported by historical evidence. Basically, empiricists are looking to...
  9. Plebeian

    Ancient History 2004

    We did Greece 500-440BC last year, and now our next 3 topics all overlap: Augustus and the Julio-Claudians, Agrippina the Younger and Society in Rome from Augustus to Titus, which we sort of did in Year 11 since we did Pompeii. Rome is my favourite ancient civ so I'm happy.
  10. Plebeian

    How would you classify these historians??

    White and Jenkins are post modernists, two of the most important. Richard Evans is mainly an empiricist, with some relativist leanings (like most modern empiricists have).