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  1. abdooooo!!!


    what? biodegradibility??? yea man... im confused... do you have an assignment as well? ahhh i hate hsc... i need help!!!
  2. abdooooo!!!

    PHB questions

    but i need to relate it to at least 2 properties... for each physical and chemical. you got any more info???
  3. abdooooo!!!


    lol... i need help with that :( here is what i got: Poly(hydroxybutanoate), PHB PHB, a stiff, brittle plastic with similar properties to poly(propylene) Formed from the monomer hydroxybutanooic acid (Alcaligenes Eutrophus), the organism used to synthesise the material Maurice...
  4. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    there is no newbs here... lol... everyone who posted here has done their hsc. newbs don't even know what evolution is yet... so they won't even click on this thread. :p maybe its because i didn't express it properly... ahhh who cares... at least i rationalised something for myself...
  5. abdooooo!!!


    physics is relative... thats why there is relativity in physics. :) hence cathode and anode are relative odes... LOL. hey whats good work... this is wasting my time... :(
  6. abdooooo!!!

    PHB questions

    no... there is nothing on the questions that i've asked... i mean what the hell is the raw material???
  7. abdooooo!!!

    Skull Beneath The Skin

    yea there is nothing at all on the net... had to make heaps of the crap up lol.
  8. abdooooo!!!

    The Fool in King Lear

    the fool is suppose to be queen lear... oh wait... the fool is cordelia lol. the fool is relevant in todays society because it shows that one's title does not equals one's intelligence. :)
  9. abdooooo!!!

    PHB questions

    nah... i never go to school... waste of time there... anyways i need to get this done by tommorow or else i'll get zero LOL. so help me!!!
  10. abdooooo!!!

    Studying for maths?

    it doesn't get harder... unless you're doing 4u. like i said in the above post... its proly because you are not familiar with the new type of questions that your teacher has given you as assessments. just look through other books and past papers you're see where it came from... then just...
  11. abdooooo!!!

    PHB questions

    i) describe the industrial process of producing them. ii) name the source of the raw materials used in the industrial process. hey any ideas? apart from the organism... whats the raw material? whats their food? iii) account for the uses of the biopolymer in term of it's physical and...
  12. abdooooo!!!

    i need help

    ok thanks mate. :) im gonna make another thread with some more questions... on biopolymers.
  13. abdooooo!!!

    Free maths notes!

    what the hell are you people talking about? whats illegal? is this the rob prior dude? where do you get a copy of his booklet???
  14. abdooooo!!!

    Free trade

    well the general idea behind free trade was first proposed by adam smith, he said that division of labor is a must to improve production/cost. the smaller the division the more efficient the production... but to keep this assembly of laborers on the job a big enough market will be needed to make...
  15. abdooooo!!!

    game theory

    yeah oligopoly market... its like firms play game with each other by changing their pricing and plans... them optus and telstra cable battle lol... the nets getting cheaper. :)
  16. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    i forgot to add another thing. let me describe this with something that is simple. the successfulness of a species is determined by: 1. number of offsprings produced (rate) 2. quality of the offsprings (how mature it is before birth) obviously faster you reproduce, the offsprings...
  17. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    wow cool... so you understood what i was saying tele... so i wasn't just talking crap lol. i like lunch. hey who said that i was gonna get a PhD on it... lol... it was suppose to be a joke. anyways i remember a couple of years ago reading that a nobel prize was awarded in medicine for...
  18. abdooooo!!!

    Repeating Year 12

    its because of the howard government isn't it? LOL i heard some unis allow you to apply for their courses regardless of your uai if you live in their area. but yea 57 is prolly a bit too low... but for those who get 80+ the better choice would be choose the course that you're good at and...
  19. abdooooo!!!

    Physics Summary (Core+ Astrophysics)

    wtf. you shut up. :p i reached the conclusion that making notes yourself for the hsc is just not worth it... so im using your bio/phy notes timmy... if i get stuffed... then yea. LOL :(
  20. abdooooo!!!


    i got like around 80% the actual raw exam mark i think... why the hell did i lose 20 marks on a childish exam like the hsc... i made a big mistake by not finishing... so repeating is the only smart thing to do right? LOL the "ecstaticness" is relative to the mark gained and the effort put in...