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  1. abdooooo!!!

    How do u derive the displacement formula?

    what did you not get in the first place... i don't get that... its so simple lol :p of course he/she did... i mean its not like you just make up such a thing called differential calculus in your head while the human race took thousands of years to develop the theory through knowledge over...
  2. abdooooo!!!

    droping from 2u to general??

    general math is evil... i've realised it after seeing this years hsc scores... its discrimination to the smart people who choose it for a stupid reason. ;) and you need to catch up with general math??? what the hell... i mean you're doing a higher version of math in the first place right...
  3. abdooooo!!!

    2004 target UAI

    you still can't do med though... for some reason english (spoken form and reading) is valued more than scientific knowlodge or academic skills in entrance to medicine. i wonder if you get a PhD in medicine through science... would you be allowed to practise as a doctor? i mean you get to...
  4. abdooooo!!!

    econ probs

    for: b. save the same amount but consume 54,200 - 6000 = 48200 c. what the??? rises from $54,000 to $54,200... how does that work? isnt the initial conditions 50000 for both years? d. x + (1.1)x = 12600 - 1050 x = 5500 e. x + (1.1)x = 14700 x = 7000 f. x + (1.25)x = 12600 x =...
  5. abdooooo!!!

    econ probs

    what does the second bit suppose to mean? if you solve the first bit then why don't you just minus the second one with 50000??? its essentially the same question isn't it? i don't actually do economics so im not very familiar with them technical terms and their implication like "real...
  6. abdooooo!!!

    game theory

    just on this... yes its definitely possible in a different situation. if you watched the movie "a beautiful mind" the movie shows the supposed nash situation of where there is a bunch of girls... and the dominant strategy for everyone is not to go for the hot blonde... but this dominant strategy...
  7. abdooooo!!!

    game theory

    yep. thats the whole point of Nash's dominant strategy equilibrium... because the dominant strategy is to cheat ie cheating yields either no profit or big profit, while complying yields a loss or a smaller profit than cheating. Nash equilibrium occurs when there is a dominant strategy for each...
  8. abdooooo!!!

    HSC topics better than Prelim ones

    search for a better health is weird... although the study of lymphocytes is good. i can't even remember doing the prelim course... well i can't remember anything except from the excessive use of diffusion and osmosis which is quite amusing. :)
  9. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    yeh of course... go determinism. :) but philosophy includes science right? thats why i think you can get a doctor of philosphy in science... and neuroscience obviously comes under that. ;)
  10. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    lucky you... i always wanted to know why do we always forget facts and not forget skills... so interesting. its like those people who have brain damage can get taught new skills but forget that they ever learn't it in the first place.
  11. abdooooo!!!

    this is the most popular option...

    as if... i do whatever i want... or i'll drop the course. :p
  12. abdooooo!!!

    this is the most popular option...

    so the lesson here is to pick the hardest option and hope that it will be a hard exam which tests some science logics rather than all simple straight foward syllabus dot points... which any rote learner can memorize... and if they're better at writing/bullcrapping than you... then you're gone in...
  13. abdooooo!!!

    this is the most popular option...

    well i correct myself by saying it is harder for the more abled student ie us, to get high marks relative to other idiots. :)
  14. abdooooo!!!


    ave maria for piano and voice :)
  15. abdooooo!!!

    Homebush Boys

    homebush boys? i hate them... think they're good at soccer eh? i kicked one of them in the face.... ahahaha.
  16. abdooooo!!!

    this is the most popular option...

    the easier it is the harder it is for you to get a good hsc mark. because if everyone knows the stuff they're gonna find ways to take marks off you to seperate the candidates. they'll take marks of for trivial things like grammatical mistakes and sentence structures. i still remember what...
  17. abdooooo!!!

    Class Of 04....

    wow... major gayness...
  18. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    ahaha... not for me though... remembering stuff out of the syllabus is just not fun. so you're doing psychology eh? umm... i would love to study neuroscience and memory one day.
  19. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    at least you get to remember lots stuff in the hsc... its like that in all the subjects. hey i always wondered whats going on with the teaching of enzyme... i mean is it too hard to tell student that an increase in substrate concentration means an increase in successful collision between the...
  20. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    hahaha.. a philosophical view.. that reminds me of something... ahhhh... i havent even read my philosophy materials and i have my residential at unsw this weekend lol. yes this where racism in humans originates... but this, i believe is not universal. ie only humans and some other animals...