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  1. abdooooo!!!

    2004 target UAI

    what the... ahahaha... minion? you're evil :p surgeon often kill people... so you like dead people???
  2. abdooooo!!!

    Science Pracs in general

    thats what i am saying and being argueing about for the whole time... but apparently this is not true according to rage and laz... man im so confused of how this can workout stastistically :confused: edit: unless i am wrong in assuming that making an exam easy is the same as giving good notes...
  3. abdooooo!!!

    2004 target UAI

    try what? umat? yeah im trying... i got some advises off AK... hopefully it will go well for me. :)
  4. abdooooo!!!

    Class Of 04....

    homos... yes its referenced at you queenie... what are you gonna do? hope? :p
  5. abdooooo!!!


    yes go me... if you don't know an answer in physics just mention relative and you'll prolly be right or atleast on the right track. :) for biology its diffusion :) for chem its redox... lol never!!! i will not work :p
  6. abdooooo!!!

    Science Pracs in general

    ok, i had a think of this situation... but how does this work to give a higher average scale for a course if you consider the perfomance for that course its self? what i mean is if say the 4u math exam this year is really easy so everyone performs well then wouldn't 4u math canditures be...
  7. abdooooo!!!

    Science Pracs in general

    yeh i know that... but logically i still can't rationalise it... let me run some models in my head tommorow cause its too late to think now cause i got school tommorow. :( i'll come back to you tommorow if i still don't get it... you people are all wrong... the system is flawed. :p
  8. abdooooo!!!

    Redfern Racial Rioting

    think about my situation again, but now with a kid thats your own race and another of different a race. they are equally in need... and you are only allowed to save one.... which one would you choose? this is a harder decision... and with no societal pressure of being called a racist, i say most...
  9. abdooooo!!!

    2004 target UAI

    ahahaha... what kind of technique is this???
  10. abdooooo!!!

    Science Pracs in general

    you're both useless... how could the uni dude be wrong... this is annoying me. im gonna punch both of you... ahh its a bit too late now... can't find where you people live in the dark. ok explain to me how this work logically without disadvantaging and advantaging a group of canditures.... i...
  11. abdooooo!!!


    yeah they're beautiful creatures... umm... bitches... ahh animal porno has ruined my mind. :p but its much better than teeth fetish... why would anyone want to become a tooth fairy :confused:
  12. abdooooo!!!

    Your mark out of 500

    me 90... i wonder what uai that is :)
  13. abdooooo!!!


    of course vet is better... oops... wrong thread. :p
  14. abdooooo!!!

    Redfern Racial Rioting

    but have you ever thought about why racism is bad? its not bad... its one of the key things to maximise survival of one's self. let me illustrate a easy situation to establish my point: if you see a dying cow and a dying human (no matter what colour) and you had the chance to save one of them...
  15. abdooooo!!!

    Science Pracs in general

    ahhh... i want to hit you so badly... abdooooo hates you ragerunner!!! ok here we go again, the overall academic performance for a particular candicture is not affected by the internal performance in that particular course. but if you claim it does then this defeats the whole purpose of fair...
  16. abdooooo!!!

    Redfern Racial Rioting

    who is everyone? everyone is a race right? therefore you are racist. :)
  17. abdooooo!!!

    Dux of school

    this year? year 12 is already finished?? again? so you're just a crap dux then... don't turn up on speech day... that'll show them :D
  18. abdooooo!!!

    How many openly gay/bi people at your school?

    its the G-spot up your ass isn't it??? all gays love that spot. :p
  19. abdooooo!!!

    Science Pracs in general

    ahhh... you're annoying me now... damn it... its you're logics that totally confused yourself. the hsc mark is determined by just the subject your doing. the scaled uac mark is determined by the canditures performance in their other subjects compared to the rest of the state. ie they...
  20. abdooooo!!!

    Redfern Racial Rioting

    isn't that the whole point of this thread... racism? if you're not racist why would you post here??? :confused: