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  1. DownInFlames

    Love Problem... :(

    seconded. I'm all proud of you, michael, it's only taken you 8 pages of responses to make up your mind. Tell us how you go.
  2. DownInFlames

    Love Problem... :(

    I couldn't find the picture of the exact moment when ralph's heart breaks...
  3. DownInFlames

    So any news on Rudd abolising uni fee paying places?

    Our union had rally about this last week... they marched from one side of the uni to the other with drums and chants and all. No one came.
  4. DownInFlames

    Love Problem... :(

    To be perfectly honest, I've been through what you are going through, and in my HSC year no less. A boy I liked for over three years, who I never ever had the guts to talk to about it. It got to the point where it was ruining my life, and I was exasperating my best friend by talking about him...
  5. DownInFlames

    Love Problem... :(

    Under heading three. p.s. courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgement that something else is more important than fear. You can either potentially ruin your relationship with her, or you can live your life knowing you didn't have the guts to tell her how you feel. p.p.s. it's...
  6. DownInFlames

    What did you have for breakfast today?

    milo and banana bread.
  7. DownInFlames

    Feed Me

    lentils with corn, carrot, and whatever else you can find. Don't know what flaxseeds are. Why is there no proper food in your house? Perhaps what you need is a vegan cookbook, if that's the go.
  8. DownInFlames

    Voting at 16

    family first would win because of all the people that don't beleive in contraception.
  9. DownInFlames

    Voting at 16

    I second that. I mean, I know someone who voted family first, where the hell did that come from? Evidently not a well-informed decision. Or labour could introduce a scheme where 16-y.os are allowed to vote but only if they pinky-swear to vote labour. Plenty of people from 16 and up...
  10. DownInFlames

    Growing taller..

    I used to swim a lot, and I wanted to/needed to swim faster, so I formed webbed feet and hands. I wanted to grow, too, but only a little, so I drank some milk, had a growth spurt, then I stopped when I didn't drink milk any more. Really, I reckon your friends who played basketball...
  11. DownInFlames

    Falling asleep in lectures.

    I've found that taking notes as I go, even if I've already got them in front of me, is really helpful for paying attention and staying awake.
  12. DownInFlames

    what to do

    Maybe she doesn't want to be broken up with the guy? Maybe he's the better guy? You never know. I don't want to burst your bubble, here, but it could just be that leaving her alone is the best outcome FOR HER. And if you really do think that you love HER, not just the thought of being with her...
  13. DownInFlames

    Failed my Ps.

    Practise more in the car you're going to drive, and next time be more cautious with your controls in an unfamiliar car. A driver needs to be able to drive safely and be in control 100% even in a really shitty temperamental car that they've never driven before. you could re-book the test for...
  14. DownInFlames

    Are these 'Low scaling subjects'?

    Business Studies is a 'low scaling' or 'lolbiznissstudies' subject, but do well enough, and if your year group does well in the HSC exams you should be just fine. English Advanced practically doesn't move at all. Don't know about the others.
  15. DownInFlames

    Where to buy real swords?

    e-bay. It would cost you a fair bit though.
  16. DownInFlames

    Growing taller..

    You're also a girl. It's expected that you would be shorter. I think calcium does help though. But more when you're a kid that when you're nearly full grown. I kind of wish I was a bit shorter: just by a few inches. The longer torso and distribution of body fat gives me more of guy's shape.
  17. DownInFlames

    Bout ready to go crazy(death to essays)

    Band 6 does not exist in extension subjects.
  18. DownInFlames

    List of sins updated

    With every step they take forward, they take two steps back. "Obscene riches" was the one that made me laugh.
  19. DownInFlames

    Bout ready to go crazy(death to essays)

    Crime Fiction. The subject in which you learn that almost all crime fiction is worthless, and that Raymond Chandler heartily concurs with this statement. That said, 17 is not that bad a mark. Just close your eyes and pretend it's out of 20. If the mark still looks bad then, you've done really...
  20. DownInFlames

    In the Wild: Wordsworth + An imaginary Life

    Malouf definitely explores the Wild more vividly. Wordsworth walks around in 'the wild' and then goes home to his comfy house. Malouf portrays Ovid as thrown into the wilderness: he is directly in it, enough so to experience its inconveniences and harshness rather than just its beauty and peace...