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  1. DownInFlames

    Uni Courses That Dont Need Maths

    ITT I would like to express my appreciation/ deeply intense, passionate love for maths.
  2. DownInFlames

    Uni Courses That Dont Need Maths

    I think if you do arts you can probably opt out of maths. You're going to have to do stats in virtually any course you do though... But at least there shouldn't be too much there. I'm with Ari on this though: you should pick your course for something that you'll enjoy, cause even if you...
  3. DownInFlames

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    With business studies (I gathered from your sig) usually your 96% will be reduced significantly (cause all the year 11 students accelerating in the course are also getting 96%, trust me on this.) It will not get you your 95+ UAI. What you're getting in English is ok. Just don't do what a kid...
  4. DownInFlames

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    I think it should be compulsary, but the course should be altered so it's not all text-based. There needs to be some basic skills in there as there are people graduating without understanding the difference between "they're" and "there," or knowing how to construct a convincing argument.
  5. DownInFlames

    Love hate relationship with Permutations

    Got to know the theory. It comes in useful and there could be a whole question on it if you're unlucky. You will suffer continuous disappointment with this topic as it is quite hard to grasp... Maybe post questions up that you don't understand and we can explain why you have to do it a...
  6. DownInFlames


    please correct me if I'm wildly wrong. Am no longer in any way confident in my maths theory. a) as x -> +infinity, the denominator gets really big/positive, so f(x) will become really small and negative --- [f(x) -> -0] as x -> -infinity, your denominator will do the same as above...
  7. DownInFlames

    Does 2unit affect 3?

    It does, but only when it comes to the scaled marks in the actual HSC, if it is a trend across the board. If it's just you, it shouldn't really matter as it doesn't prove the 3u exam is easier. You'll just get a low mark in 2u. That said, if you can't get good marks in 2u you probably should...
  8. DownInFlames

    Uni interviews and piercings

    Could you not take the piercings out for the interview? It won't be that obvious if there aren't chunks of metal sticking out of your face.
  9. DownInFlames

    Sharp pain on the right side of my stomach

    Sorry guys, but the OP died 4 months ago... lies.
  10. DownInFlames

    Sky High - Hannah Roberts

    Your english teacher should have a copy from a few years ago. Couldn't find it on the net though: only essays about it.
  11. DownInFlames

    Do i need a girlfriend?

    You can change your hobbies etc without a girlfriend. It probably won't work out too well for you if you find yourself in a situation where you are relying on some girl to make you happy/ satisfied with your life.
  12. DownInFlames

    Duke of Edinburgh

    You have until you're 25 to complete it. Also, you can do immediate entry into silver or gold, and you'd just have to do extra hours on the service and skills sections, and do some extra training for expeditions so you get up to speed.
  13. DownInFlames

    Im pissed

  14. DownInFlames

    Which uni for teaching?

    tried a bit too hard there love...
  15. DownInFlames

    Duke of Edinburgh

    It's really fun and it's worthwhile. Some people just do it to have it on the resume: but you don't get as much out of it unless you challenge yourself and actually put the effort in. Expeditions is the group bit: In bronze if you do it through school you probably would do hiking, but after...
  16. DownInFlames

    Accounting Jobs - WHY hard?

    Nope. My insight is more like the educated guess of a maths kid. When you think about it, people go to accountants for help with all sorts of issues like their Shares/Stock and such things, and if you give them bad or outdated advice you're probably going to screw them over. To me, that would...
  17. DownInFlames

    Accounting Jobs - WHY hard?

    Hard because of people trusting you with their money? Keeping constant up-to-date knowledge could be part of it. And possibly boring. We're really not sure.
  18. DownInFlames

    Burnt out and failed my hsc, need options

    I really don't know. I think the main thing with doing your HSC and finishing this time would be the personal satisfaction/ ego boost (a really good thing here.) Having the higher qualifications (basically Cert III and above) should really be what employers are looking for. If they ask you...
  19. DownInFlames

    Where to sit to survive a plane crash

    If you sit near the tail you get the worst turbulence and you smell the loos for the whole flight. Tradeoff. I thought mythbusters tested this and said 1st class was safest... but who the hell that is on BoS flies first class?