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  1. BradCube

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Thanks for that mate. I really do appreciate your time and energy spent in replying to my posts. I had actually read your post previously and been through the links you supplied. I hadn't replied because I had to go to work :P I'll take a decent read through those updated links and provide...
  2. BradCube

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Whilst I understand the theory behind this, what have not seen is the proof of this happening. Micro-evolution has been successfully proven in the lab and in location studies. As well as that, it doesn't seem to me that micro evolution is typically what people seem to have problems with. Indeed...
  3. BradCube

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    That was my first thought, however after searching it's ISBN through wikipedia, it appears that neither the National Library of Australia nor my local university has a copy. This didn't leave me with much hope for my local library...
  4. BradCube

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Looks like a fantatsic read. It's too bad that all of these books cost money :(
  5. BradCube

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Wow, angry or what dude? As I stated in my original post, I come here with no prior motive than that of extending my current knowledge so please don't falsely assume that I am arguing against evolution or your own personal beliefs. All I am trying to do is better understand that which I...
  6. BradCube

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Again, as I have said, I have no scientific background - so educating me on things such as this is very important :) Thanks
  7. BradCube

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Cheers for that :) I must comment however that while there are certainly more "transitional" fossils than what I expected to find based on my own limited research, there are certainly less than what I would expect to find in order to show a direct link between these fossils and what...
  8. BradCube

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Wow, it has been a long time since I have made a post on the bored-of-studies forums! Interestingly enough, I was almost going to create my own thread on that of evolution (and there is possibility that I still should) Before going any further, I would like to point out that I am coming to...
  9. BradCube

    Dating Religious Girl

    Firstly, I may just try and summarize what you have said in this quote to a few lines: "What the majority believe dictates what others should believe. Since the majority of people aren't christian, it would be better to change their views to that of everyone else so they "fit in" better. It...
  10. BradCube

    Dating Religious Girl

    Interesting analogy, but it seems to be invalid because it assumes that your beliefs are better than that of the other party. Even going into a relationship with this mindset would be damaging in my opinion. Taking the analogy back to what the OP was talking about, how do you know she does not...
  11. BradCube

    I soooo need help

    I would wait a while so it doesn't look as though he broke up with his GF for you. Try and just maintain the friendship for a while and see how things go.
  12. BradCube

    Dating Religious Girl

    Wow it has been a long time since I have been on BOS. Anyway along with the question. I have to question realistically whether you expect a relationship with this girl to ever work. Assuming that she has no problem with dating a non-christian (which I doubt), do you honestly think that it...
  13. BradCube

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Re: when did you lose your virginity? 18 and virgin
  14. BradCube

    Previous Film MajorWorks??? anybody?? plz help!

    Hi taleb, I'm not sure how much luck you will have finding X2 documentaries to learn from. I think I may have only ever seen one. It could have been in the 2005 Major works thread, but I can't remember correctly. I'm not sure how much help mine will be as it is not a documentary, but I will...
  15. BradCube

    Young Writers Showcase

    you made my heart jump, lol.
  16. BradCube

    Question on sex.

    I loled for 2 mins straight - that was beautiful.
  17. BradCube

    All Over

    So when do people find out if they have made it into the showcase book?
  18. BradCube


    3rd party support is looking pretty good at this stage although it will be fairly dependant upon the popularity of the Wii. There are over 20 launch games so that says something. Also I went into Toys R Us today to enquire further about the pre-order deal. Turns out that it is a specified game...
  19. BradCube

    Thinking of doing Video for Ext 2, what stuff do I need?

    Hi, The specs of your system are really dependant on what type of editing you want to do. If it involves special effects, and multiple programs open, you may definatley need an upgrade. 512Mb will be barable if your only using Vegas for editing. (ie not multiple applications open) although 1gb...
  20. BradCube


    Yeah I think I am happy with that also. I wonder if I can get any special deals for pre-ordering with EB. hmm I'm happy that it is being launched after my HSC.