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  1. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Ha ha. It's okay :) I kind of expect to be made fun of to be perfectly honest with you
  2. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    So you're a vegetarian then? Okay, so I will agree that it is a mental illness that affects the brains ability to deal with morality in what would be seen to be normal. Either way, this is what the conscience describes. So you are part way there now. However, you still have to explain how...
  3. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    So why is not killing children logical? If you are moral without God then surely that means what you regard as moral has no real significance at all. I would change that to "Anything that obstructs logical and reasonable thought in our conscience (since it is what deals with what we regard as...
  4. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    It seems to me that our definition of moral seems to be different. I took a quick extract from to help explain the issue. I actually find this definition to be fairly non-descriptive in this issue although I do find it to lean slightly toward my own definition. When I refer to...
  5. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    So essentially you are asking me why I would rather do good rather than wrong? As a christian it would be because I am commanded to. It would also be because the feeling of guilt from doing wrong is hard for me to deal with. This answer seems pretty obvious though so I assume that you must be...
  6. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    No, because I never stated that that is why I believe what I do.
  7. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I think you need to re-read what I have posted HalcyonSky. You are arguing what I have already agreed with. In fact the very section that you quoted has me stating that I believe this to be illogical reasoning. This is why 3unitz said that he retracted what he previously stated.
  8. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Before I start I just want to say thanks for what was a far more honest and unbiased reply than what I was expecting. It's pretty unusual on the BOS forums and particularly in such an opinionated thread such as this. I imagine that the seeking process would not be the same for every...
  9. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Maybe I am simply missing you're point over and over but I cannot see how this is true if the will has the ability to carry out any of the choices presented to it. The only sense that I can see in your line of logic is that the will does not control all situations that it is placed in. Hence...
  10. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Great response 3unitz :) I am happy that you can at least understand what I am saying now. I am a little concerned about all of the sad faces at the end of your post though... In all honesty, I completely sympathize with what you are saying. Indeed the conditions in which we are raised have...
  11. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Well that very much depends on the God I believe in. If it was the christian God that I currently believe in then it would be because I want to emulate the character of that God. ie - I want to do good simply because it is the right thing to do (right, again coming from the character of God)...
  12. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Ha ha, yeah, I just wrote down two quickly that I thought of If helping someone else makes you feel good, then you have simply agreed with my point because it has had a positive benefit for you. And what would this better world be like? What would you change in particular? I hardly want to...
  13. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Ha ha, that's interesting. I have never seen that before - it does have just as many flaws as pascals wager though you realise? 1. If you knew God didn't exist there would be no logical reason to make the world a better place unless it positively benefited you in some way. In fact, it would be...
  14. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Okay, I now see where our differences lie. To illustrate, I would like to make a variation on your diagram: World ---- > Reason ----> Will ----dn----> Bodily Action It would seem far more logical to me that our will and reasoning are not a combined entity. Rather the will is the method in...
  15. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    99% isn't high enough to prove that we have no ability for choice. All it shows is the result based on the ability to chose and the factors in that given country or condition. Okay, so this scenario has a few issues in it. Lets assume just for the example that the age that all people are able...
  16. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    By your reasoning earlier, where you not suggesting that all of our decisions we make are free of any personal responsibility since we don't control the conditions which lead to the choice process? I am confused as to where you believe any personal responsibility is introduced if this is the...
  17. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Even if you are not responsible for who you are as a person? By my logic it does not depend on how rationality is defined - it only matters that the individual believes one choice is rational and the other irrational. By your logic it is impossible for them to choose to carry out what they...
  18. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    Yeah, of course, the agents choices will be influenced by rationality in the decision making process. However this does not take away from the fact that it is was the agent who personally made that choice - whatever it was. Hence the agent is still responsible for the choice they made because...
  19. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    1. Not sure that I agree with this. I believe we appear to have no free will in this case simply because it is what we rely on as being true for the entirety of our lives. If however, you had constant hallucinations of bass guitars in your room, would you still believe that it was there with...
  20. BradCube

    Does God exist?

    I think we both agree that the "way it chooses" will be influenced by its beliefs, parents, social environment etc. However, that is not what I am arguing. I am arguing that it has the ability to choose another action. Surely the fact that Afghanistan doesn't have a 100% Muslim population shows...