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  1. jlh

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    does anyone actually have their results or are they just bull shitting????
  2. jlh

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    this is starting to piss me off now.... i won't be able to get to sleep till i find out my results...
  3. jlh

    comp115/155 past paper questions

    i think the more appropriate question would be, who thinks they passed comp?
  4. jlh

    books for next semester

    your psych book covers alot of topics that you probably didn't cover in first semester, so thats probably why its the same book so you can cover the other topics?!?!?!
  5. jlh

    semester 2

    and to think of person(s) that had to lick the envelopes... :eek: :p :rolleyes:
  6. jlh

    semester 2

    me too... they're not really environmentally friendly huh sending two separate letters...
  7. jlh

    are you planning a transfer?

    just wait 19 more days till you decide your future.... accounting is a gpa of 2.0 which is just all passes... as for me, i'm attempting another trasnfer.. hahaha... in 2 years i would of started 4 degrees, thats including the combined degree i hopefully get to trasnfer into.. :p
  8. jlh


    the apprentice?? LOL.. why not just go to the website to find out...
  9. jlh

    semester 2

    hahaha.. i actually cant wait to get my results... this agonising wait is keeping me in suspense.. i want to know my gpa for my transfer...
  10. jlh

    semester 2

    last semester.. lucky you.... so what happens if you forget to pay your fees? they don't unenrol you do they? i'm unemployed and was planning to look for a job these holidays.... but now i'm planning to go overseas!!
  11. jlh

    semester 2

    hahaha.. i'm not that excited about getting back to uni... i'm planning a holiday and need to know when to get back by...
  12. jlh

    semester 2

    hey when do we go back to semester 2?
  13. jlh


    the hunter has now become the hunted..... :p
  14. jlh


    if you failed one of your subjects, but did exceptionally well for your others, you should be able to get a GPA of at least 2.0... otherwise, if you don't meet the trasnfer criteria, you would have to wait till the next semester to apply for your trasnfer, by then you would of completed 9 credit...
  15. jlh

    Changing courses

    there are a lot of us on this board that wants to trasnfer next semester!! depending on what you want to trasnfer into, there are different requirements. what were you interested in trasnferring into? and from what course?
  16. jlh

    Anyone do Marketing?

    i do marketing!! :p
  17. jlh

    International business

    UTS has double majors in B. Arts in International Studies.... as far as i know, you can combine it with any other degree. its not a international business degree in itself, but you could major in international business under their B. Business degrees...
  18. jlh

    Policy on changing from part time to full time

    you just take on a ligher work load.. that is 12 credit points instead of the usual 24 credit points per semester. you'd have to look at the particular degree and consult your faculty!
  19. jlh

    is it true?

    i don't think they have the hardest exams... but i do think they place a huge weighting on the final exams. 3 of my 4 subject finals are worth 70% of my overall grade!! :( which might be used to explain the higher than average failure rates?!?!
  20. jlh

    books for next semester

    no no i want the econ111 textbook!! :p