Search results

  1. jlh

    Who's doing B-commerce?

    are you trasnferring into the general b. commerce.. or one of the specialised degrees (b. comm- mktg, b. comm- acst, b. comm- accg)? the general b. commerce degree obviously has greater flexibility in what units you want to do, than the specialised ones. basically you pick major and follow...
  2. jlh

    Comp Subjects

    oh really? why would you wanna do that? if you do that, they willl take into account your UAI and last semesters results and will recalculate you a new UAI... how well did you go last semester? chances are they will fuck up your re- calculated UAI.... why not just continue with what your...
  3. jlh

    Some Informationn hereee

    for the bba/ba-psych degrees, your 100 level core units arn't meant to be completed in first year... that you can probably work out yourself... but i'm still thinking you will be behind a semester... because to continue on with 200 level PSY units psy104 and psy105 will most likely be pre-...
  4. jlh

    B Psych, and B Sci Major in Psych

    b psych people have the honours year in their degree already included. but to remain in the degree the must maintain a distinction average... so in fact b. psych people have to 'compete' for the 4th year honours as well... if by the end of 3rd year they do not meet the requirements to complete...
  5. jlh

    Mq Has A New Webpage Layout...

    that actuarials site looks bad... how shabby.... but then again most of the MQ department sites look shabby....
  6. jlh

    Some Informationn hereee

    don't you need to have done psy104 to be able to do psy105??? it looks like both of you will be a semester behind in your degree...
  7. jlh

    Comp Subjects

    comp123 would be useless for your degree as it is not a core unit for the combined law/IT (assuming thats the course you want to trasnfer into gathered from the other thread). from what i've heard, comp123 is basically just ms office and basic internet. comp114 would be much better suited...
  8. jlh

    Is it possible to do Comp Sci/Maths??

    i don't think a bcst and bsci(math) is possible. the only option would be is to do a bsci with majors in math and comp sci..... the beng and bsci combined degrees would mean you have to major in either computer enginnering or software engineering under the b. eng degree and a major in math...
  9. jlh

    Mq Has A New Webpage Layout...

    yeah not much has changed.... but its refreshing... i was starting to get sick of the old site...
  10. jlh

    Mq Has A New Webpage Layout...

    just as the title reads.... what do you think of it?
  11. jlh

    some certain Uni degrees...

    oh and also you have to remember professional recognition each degree *might* offer... you'd professionally recognised as an economist in a b. ec degree as opposed to a ba (eco).
  12. jlh

    some certain Uni degrees...

    the core units would be the same in the and the ba (eco).... and you'd need to meet the required pre- req's for each subject if there are any.
  13. jlh

    some certain Uni degrees...

    i think you should also consider your options for when you finish a degree as well...... if you were planning on going into the economics field, a b. economics would be much better than say a BA with majors in economics.
  14. jlh

    Handbook/Choosing subjects

    i always thought you stick to the degree requirements of the year you started that degree.... i mean they tell everyone to purchase a handbook during enrolment so i'm guessing that is because we're meant to refer to it thru-out our uni career....
  15. jlh

    econ141 prereq failed :(

    why would you want to repeat a subject, unless you failed it?? are you allowed to repeat a subject even though you've passed it?!?!
  16. jlh

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    so if we've met the requirements for a trasnfer, we're guaranteed for that trasnfer? what if there is some quota, how will they work it out?
  17. jlh


    how much do you want for the BUSL250 book?
  18. jlh

    econ141 prereq failed :(

    uh as far as i know, if its a pre- req you need to have done the required pre- req before you do the unit. so yes you have you do a stat unit before you proceed to econ141. i don't think they will let you do stat171 again, you might have to so stat170...
  19. jlh

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    still not working... starting to get a nauseated feeling in my stomach.. i knew i should of eaten breakfast this morning.. :(
  20. jlh

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    argh... you all got your results... the site is down for me!! it says it will be fixed at 11am.. its past 11am.. :( i got on like 10 minutes ago refreshing the page.. i wonder if i'm helping...