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  1. nit

    Paper 1 Section 2

    Oh yes, the dream scenario...'nuff said...
  2. nit

    3 unit tutoring

    Yes, Pender and Cambridge all the for probability, try to get as many q's under your belt. Start with the foundations and work your way up. You should be able to do those - otherwise you're not really fit for 3u, I'm sorry to say... Sorry if I'm being a bit harsh, but well, they...
  3. nit

    Paper 1 Section 2

    Come up with a couple of scenarios and probably write them out completely, taking time. Then memorise the key phrases, brilliant descriptions etc. War is always good...adaptable for a variety of text types.
  4. nit

    ich habe einen question 4 u

    It's basically more of the same type of stuff u do in the preliminary course...the topics become more focussed on you personally however. It's not technically hard. Languages are simply courses in which you need to keep on collecting phrases, grammar, and not forget them. From that point of...
  5. nit

    WANTED Solutions to SGS Trials 2004

    hmm, i didn't do it the fancy way, so i'll have to dig up the own solution was abt 4 pages long, hence ungainly. Once i've found it i'll try to post it up. As for target UAI, probably not, but it's worth a try :rolleyes:
  6. nit

    WANTED Solutions to SGS Trials 2004

    Yeh, Mojako, that's basically what i did in the exam for that q..."intelligent" use of question :p It worked out, and i got all the marks, so using the q without assuming it will work, but there are much better ways for this q than plainly bashing it out.
  7. nit

    Molar heat of combustion

    Technically it's the one with lower heat of comb, since heat of combustions have a negative value
  8. nit

    Medicine Interviews

    hehe, resurrecting a thread nearly a year old here :cool:
  9. nit

    WANTED Solutions to SGS Trials 2004

    Not to spam or anything, but what questions specifically spoilt brat?
  10. nit

    WANTED Solutions to SGS Trials 2004

    We don't post our trials on the web y'no.... @Rorix: Is this level of grammer good enough? :D
  11. nit

    Jeff Geha - 50 tips question

    lol @ Crash...Mojako beat you there mate :D
  12. nit

    Oxidation of -OH

    Oxidation in organic chem is slightly different to oxidation in organic chem, oxidation may be considered as the gain of oxygen by a compound / loss of hydrogen, while reduction is gain of hydrogen/loss of oxygen. Hence in this example the ethanol is oxidised to form acetic...
  13. nit

    Various qs on complex numbers

    For ii), you can also sub z=kcisx into LHS of what uve gotta prove...then it's just use of cos(2theta) formulae
  14. nit

    sucessive ion. energy and subshells

    The way to predict the subshells occupied is rather dodgy, but there will certainly be a jump moving from removing, for example, a p-orbital electron to an s electron - the s electrons tend to penetrate closer to the nucleus than the p, d etc electrons, and so in moving from one orbital to the...
  15. nit

    UMATs results..

    Good job Lexi...I didn't do so well: Scores: 57, 56, 56 Ranks: 80, 76, 79 Steady, I guess.
  16. nit

    Who knows little bit more about organic chemistry

    Hmm true..there's nothing to HSC organic chem...nonetheless, i'd be happy to help on any matters organic, psych
  17. nit

    HD in Royal Australian Chem Quiz woooooot!

    yep, very cheap plaques...rather crap compared to the amc good thing with award of excellence is that it gives you entry into chem national qualifying exam
  18. nit

    HD in Royal Australian Chem Quiz woooooot!

    got award of excellence in 2003...didn't do it this year as I was away overseas. Congratulations to those that did well!
  19. nit

    Who knows little bit more about organic chemistry

    What sort of help in organic do you need?
  20. nit

    Chemistry of art anyone?

    There's less memorisation for this option than most of the others though...and you also feel like you're doing "real" chemistry, which is always a reassuring feeling...