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  1. GoodToGo

    B.Commerce and B.Business

    What uni are u referring to?
  2. GoodToGo

    Some Informationn hereee

    The obvious elective module to do is HR. If you're doing this degree you should be into HR/Organisational psych stuff, cos thats where it leads career wise. This was the degree I originally enrolled in after high school. You can do 105 before 104 (I know some people who did this) as long...
  3. GoodToGo


    I know someone who got in. But then Shelley is rather...brilliant.
  4. GoodToGo

    Handbook/Choosing subjects

    I'm pretty sure iambored is right regarding program of degrees. E.g. the new BBA students have to do 'BBA315 - Business Forcasting' as a core unit, and have the 2 strategic management units worth 3 credit pts each instead of the 4. But Business Forcasting wasn't a core unit when I started...
  5. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    Yep. No more tix for standing though.
  6. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    100% - provided you meet the credit pts achieved requirement. Also it helps if you aren't hideously deformed. :p
  7. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    The Ticketek site doesn't say sold out. I'm gonna head to Mac Centre today in an hour and have been asked to check the exact number of tix I'll report back here as well. But as far as I was aware, standing tickets were sold out and a good chunk of the seated tix are gone. Congrats...
  8. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    Are you doing an internal transfer at the end of the year? Then it doesn't matter what degree you're transfering to (whether it be a new one or not). Just your UAI and your GPA (with at least 18 credit pts completed).
  9. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    How would JBT not be fitting? I mean we are the most 'radical' university in Australia after all (okay not much evidence of that these days, but we were!). Macq was a place for all the lefties...and with all that 'grass' around. Frenzal was last year. They won't have em again. They're causing...
  10. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    Oh, Macq had Blink for a festival that was held on campus quite a few years ago (pre Enema of the State)...but not for Conception Day. I'm sure they're working on getting a good Aussie act. Probably something like John Butler Trio...kinda suits the Conception Day vibe, tho I can't say I'm a fan.
  11. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    Hahah...aww, thats what everyone says. I mean I'm going with people I became friends with on the net and at gigs, not my uni friends, who don't know of/like DC. I'd say go anyways, and u could hang with us or whateva, but I think the standing tix are sold out. Maybe u and ForAGoodCause...
  12. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    LOL. Not a pretty a pretty image that.
  13. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    Cmon guys. Its not like there's a team busily fixing the problem right now. However if you're determined to stick it out...good music is invaluable. Speaking of which, props to jlh! There's at least 3 Dashboard fans on this thread now. :p
  14. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    Well I remember one semester (can't remember which - they all kinda into each other after 3 and a half years) the dudes that hacked it set up a page where u could get your marks a few days earlier...
  15. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    No you don't! :p ....or lying. Though I can't think of a reason you'd lie, except to annoy. Congrats on your marks...not easy subjects you did. ACCG...yuck!
  16. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    mwahahaha. Its crashed.. Sucked in all u eager beavers. :p
  17. GoodToGo

    Exam Results : 20 July!

    Funny how the actual one doesn't look anything like your fake pic - there's like 8 columns. You must be first year! :p Though if you get marks like those, you deserve a medal, or something shiny at least.
  18. GoodToGo


    I'm only gonna get the result of one subject (BBA301). Not sure if year-long units (my law subjects) are a curse or a blessing yet..
  19. GoodToGo

    What you guys planning on doing?

    Cos access to the first year units is done by quota, it all depends on demand. So technically if there HEAPS of people goin for the law transfer a gpa of 3.0 might not be enough. Also depends 50% on your UAI.
  20. GoodToGo

    Macquarie Degrees

    Well you're gonna stick out for employers. No other uni in Sydney has that combo offered. I orginally started doing that combined degree myself before dropping psych for law. There is no bba-bcom-marketing degree as such, though u could do it I guess (might take you longer than the other...