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  1. BradCube

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    So are we arguing then, that while it is alive it is not human because it depends on the mother to survive? If this is what we are saying I don't think that it is proof of the assertion. Are not we all, even once born, dependant on our environment?
  2. BradCube

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    When do you believe that life does come?
  3. BradCube

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Sides? I don't think anyone is taking sides here. (other then possibley the actual topic of this thread) ur_inner_child was just doing her job as a mod.
  4. BradCube

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Why are you insulting this poster? There really is no need
  5. BradCube

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Nope, I certainaly do not follow you on this one. Why is it not possible that they could add a greater average of happiness to the world? If they become part of the world, then there is every chance that they could or could not add happiness to this world. They could help starving children or...
  6. BradCube

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    If we are looking at it from the stance that our aim in life is to create a society with the greatest happiness then I see one problem with this argument. We have not looked at the possible happiness the new human could have if given the chance to be born. Simply not feeling pain does not mean...
  7. BradCube

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Yeah true, if we take the pro-abortion argument to the full extent also, why would it not be possible to abort as it is being born? Is the only difference the fact that it is no longer dependant on the life of the mother?
  8. BradCube

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    I'm really glad this thread was recreated, so thanks generator. I started reading the last one last night and got up to page 16 before it was time for me to get to bed. It seems to me that the abortion issue, when discussed in regard to morality, must be a completely supportive or completely...
  9. BradCube

    Where is everyone up to?

    So do you still have the tapes so you can recapture them? If not could you talk to your local IT guys about any data recovery measures?
  10. BradCube

    Pregnancy / Periods

    out of interest, what were you originally morally opposed to in the first place then?
  11. BradCube

    anyone find it hard to get over someone?

    lol, of course. I am still going through it. How long has it been for you?
  12. BradCube

    Where is everyone up to?

    I really think this depends on the type of video you are doing. I for mine am not using any songs (as in with lyrics) but will be using intrumental music to build atmosphere and plently of sound effects.
  13. BradCube

    Your thoughts on communication!

    I think these forums are testament to how technology has changed the way we develop relationships, communicate etc. You could also look into other area's such as chat rooms, MSN, Voice over IP (eg Skype) etc. There are films, music which in themselves use technology which allows a director...
  14. BradCube

    Who here has two-timed...or would?

    Haven't done and never would. As others have said, it would hurt the other partner, but also because I personally would only want to be with them exclusively.
  15. BradCube

    Urgent advice needed(please, please, please)

    I don't know that I would quite agree with that. Sex is fantatsic in it's ability to bond two people. While she may not be mature enough to be having sex, I don't think the fact that she has become attatched is an indication of her immaturity. Anyways, for the threadstarter, I would suggest...
  16. BradCube

    Save sex?

    I don't think I am doing service to your question but I will try and explain anyway. Whilst God will judge the actions of people, I do not believe that this reflects on his love for them. It is because he is just that he must judge accordingly. In the same way, while I see the child rapists'...
  17. BradCube

    Save sex?

    The changed ways are not just as sinful. In fact they are not sinful at all since you are repenting and choosing not to live in that sin. Because sin can be overcome. If we are reffering to christian doctrine we know that Jesus never commited sin as a man. This system assumes that it is...
  18. BradCube

    Save sex?

    Fear of punishment may not be the main reason, although I am sure that it plays a factor. The main motivation for me though is that it is possible to have a stonger relationship with God if you are living in agreement with him, and secondly the outcomes of following Gods absolute morality seem...
  19. BradCube

    Save sex?

    It helps us in our reality now, since while the punishment for absolute morality may not affect us until death, the choices we make which dictate that punishment are in this life now. I may have to get back to you on this. I'm too tired at the moment and woudn't be able to take it in properly...
  20. BradCube

    Save sex?

    Don't forget that I am not trying to argue whether absolute morality exists or not, but rather the implications if they do. While I am just as guilty, does not mean that forgiveness cannot make a way through. It is because of forgiveness that I have reason for repentance and hence seek to...