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  1. jlh

    prac / tute times

    hahahaha.. well he can find the other post to get that info!! ah these avatar thingos are the best!! :p
  2. jlh

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    you dont really need to plan anything.. you can do it all with an ifelseif statement...
  3. jlh

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    uh copy and paste the link to your browser.. theres probably a mistake on the linking of the html code on the website..
  4. jlh


    i'm in BIT now.. i trasnferred because i didn't get an offer in commerce or combined commerce at usyd... and i put BIT down at macq by chance thinking it was gonna have a high 90's cut off like the other uni's and not make it in.. but the cut off was mid 70's and i got offered a spot.. i...
  5. jlh

    bcomm cut-off at mac

    yes the uai cut offs are based on demand and supply, but there is also a minimum standard which the uni's don't publish.... take for example law, say there was a loss of demand of law at usyd and that they had 50 spots to fill and only 50 people applied... say also that the lowest UAI of that...
  6. jlh

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    are all your inputs resulting in P1?? are you using an IF;ELSE IF statement?? you must of made a mistake somewhere... *thats pretty obvious* LOL...
  7. jlh

    sam diary vouchers

    hahaha.. nah i don't just want it for the free stuff.. i wanna actually use it.. i said to myself that i would be organised and meet deadlines EARLY and not on time...
  8. jlh

    have n e of first year guys/girls formed a group in uni??

    i'm surprised at how many asians are at macq uni.. well compared to usyd that is..
  9. jlh

    sam diary vouchers

    where in the main sam building?
  10. jlh

    prac / tute times

    oh no.. hope not.. i want to be able to know who he is and let him figure out who i am.. LOL... hahahaha!! :p
  11. jlh

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    ms 12.. don't worry to much about your uni situation.. i felt like that last year in first semester.. but then uni started to become fun, the social aspect as well as the workload (surprisingly...)!! i was at usyd last year but now i'm at macq.. i'm so glad i trasnferred.. macq uni is so laid...
  12. jlh

    Uni Transfer?

    well you know you could transfer to another uni that offers economics without the higher cut off... eg go to macq and use their internal transfer policy to do b.economics...
  13. jlh

    bcomm cut-off at mac

    oh i meant to say in the sydney area..
  14. jlh

    prac / tute times

    no not to you.. unless you were in this mornings stat170 tute in c5a229? that was to "Cyan_phoeniX".....
  15. jlh

    sam diary vouchers

    hey does anyone know where i can get a SAM diary? i lost mine and i want those vouchers!! :)
  16. jlh

    comp115 Q

    10 mins to upload? but its less than 1k.... i uploaded mine at uni in the prac..
  17. jlh


    to b.economics and maybe combine it with applied finance or business admin.. i'm not really sure yet though.. but i know i want an economics degree!!
  18. jlh

    prac / tute times

    where were you sitting today (thursday)?? i didn't notice anyone playing around with a papermate pen.. it was too early in the monring.... i'll look out for you next week.. LOL..
  19. jlh

    bcomm cut-off at mac

    wow listen to me getting all defensive about macq uni.. LOL.. i think its official, i've severed my ties and any sentiment from usyd!! LOL!!
  20. jlh

    bcomm cut-off at mac

    in my opinion, i think macquarie offers a greater number of spaces in their b.commerce degree. the b.commerce degree is regarded as a generalist degree at macq uni like b. science or b. arts. the other uni's only have 2 generalist degrees, these being arts and science. as for what flyin' is...