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  1. jlh


    LOL.. there is no comfortable way of sleeping in those theatres.. i hate the e7b theatres!! there is no leg room what so ever.. talk about DVT.. :p what degree you doing "iambored"?? if your doing a commerce/economics degree the depth in the exams will require you to understand the concepts...
  2. jlh

    One of highest failure in economics subject

    where did you hear that from?
  3. jlh

    comp115 Q

    uh mine says: basicop.cpp 979 B Mar 09, 15:20 and the due date has been updated!! i mean corrected!
  4. jlh

    comp115 Q

    0B? are you sure it wasn't 0KB? wait i'll check what mine says!
  5. jlh

    Student Unionism...

    i elect GENERATOR to lead our cause!! LOL :p "down with mandatory student union membership!!"
  6. jlh

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    i just flicked thru and it seems those out of you out there not liking uni seem to be going to uts/usyd/unsw.. LOL i was once a usyd'er.. i hated first semester.. but then it grew on me.. now i've trasnfer to macq and i'm liking it!! :p
  7. jlh

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    i think later on you will come to the realisation that a pass is damn good.. and anything above that is even better!! thanks jezzmo, thats exactly what i mean (BTW i'm a guy!!)... people are writing te slides down word for word missing out what the lecturer has to add...
  8. jlh

    Uni Transfer?

    yes it is possible to transfer uni's after whatever year just as long as you satisfy the cut off... once you transfer, you sever all your ties with scu and you will graduate with a usyd degree.. that is if you get FULL advanced standing credit on units you have already done!!
  9. jlh


    well you don't have to.. i mean the lecturer just covers the material from the readings.. they are just putting in out there for us to understand better.... the textbook is meant to serve as a point of reference because they can only cover a limited amount of depth for each topic in a lecture...
  10. jlh

    bcomm cut-off at mac

    i would say that macq uni offers more b.commerce places which results in the lower uai cut off!! but thats just based on imagination and not any real fact.. LOL aditya, i take it you are one of those 99.9 students who is looking down on macq uni??
  11. jlh

    prac / tute times

    hey your in my tute.. who are you?? :p
  12. jlh


    LOL no probs... i was wondering about what the difference between the two degrees was as well!!
  13. jlh

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    so has anyone got the assignment, optimize.ccp to work yet? i copied my code over from the one i made.. but when i execute it, i just get this blank screen then i gotta push a letter in for the prompt to come up..... is it just me or did he set it out wrong?
  14. jlh

    forwarding your e-mails

    the smtp isn't meant to be from your isp.. it should be the usyd one.. which i don't have a clue what is.. try ??
  15. jlh

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    LOL.. but i have at usyd!! i was just looking thru the other assignment, optimize.cpp... i dont' get it... i mean i wrote out my own code and i figure i can just copy+paste it into optimize.cpp, but its stuffed!! where it says to write your code here, if you do that, the cin >> is above it...
  16. jlh

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    no i didn't do software in year 12!! he can't post the stuff on the net because its the weekly assignment!! LOL
  17. jlh

    does anyone wanna help me out?

    i think everyone can feel the difference but it wasn't such a big deal to me because i kind of expected it..... i'm an ex-public school student.. you know we too get spoon fed as well.. LOL
  18. jlh

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    what exactly are you trying to do?? i take it you are doing task 3? basicop.cpp? do you have msn it would be easier to chat to you there... i'm assuming that you'v declared x and y? if you have get rid of the " " marks.. you don't need to "quote" functions/variables...
  19. jlh


    nope you need 18cp and a gpa of 2.0 and have done LAW103 and LAW113 with credits..
  20. jlh

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    yes i've done prac2 tasks... they are actually pretty easy..