Search results

  1. Sweets

    Value of the hero...

    I'd recommend Buffy, I can't stand the show but its a good thing to analyse in relation to values of the hero-i.e post-modern hero based on the clasical model of the hero, the 90's pseduo feminist 'girl power' ect
  2. Sweets

    Yearly exams

    Havn't actually got any of them back yet, except for english. Deffinetly try to post them (im not very good at all these technological advances :) ) Got Modern History back-91%-Rank 1st woohoo!!!
  3. Sweets

    Books that have made you cry

    A might heart- the daniel pearl story, harry potter- when Sirus died
  4. Sweets

    Yearly exams

    Well i got some my results back today and i'm absolutely's what i got English-92%, Rank-1 Society&Culture-96%, Rank-1 Religion-97%, Rank-1 Well thats the part i'm pleased about........... Bio-74%,Rank-who knows but its not good (im dropping so its cool though)...
  5. Sweets

    Feminism and Multiculturalism

    two words- suffrage and franchise....don't worry tho just make stuff up like I did and i still got band6.
  6. Sweets

    Subject Selection for Yr 11 2005.. help??

    Omg Society and Culture rocks!! It is absolutely one of my favourite subjects along with ext english. I think it depends on your teachers though, our school comes like first in the state and we have great teachers...ok thats just my little society rant... I think you've picked good subjects...
  7. Sweets

    What do you think?

    I wouldn't recommend picking up ext1 because like u have sooo many subjects and not all of them will count anyway + ext1 is a 2 yr course so you'll have to do some catch-up work, well at least thats the way it is in my school...but yeh like someone else said whats the point of doing so many...
  8. Sweets

    Only a few more weeks.

    Well I was feeling quite goood but then Kulazzi's post reminded me I have a mini-pip due in less then 2 weeks....
  9. Sweets

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Now that deserves a rep point :)
  10. Sweets

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    There's no need to sound so condescending....I was simply making one point...
  11. Sweets

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    thorrneydevil- I was refering oil wise...... And its not about being Anit-American at all. My best friend is an American. It's just simply about showing some critical discrnment towards the media, u know not believing everything on Today Tonight :eek:
  12. Sweets

    I lie therefore I am?....

    Well even though im no fan of Howard, you really can't except the prime minster to take a lie detector test. Hopefully he'll just lose the election....
  13. Sweets

    What are you currently Reading?

    You should like put it to the top of your 'to read' list, is really good.
  14. Sweets

    Angelas Ashes

    Yeh i deffinetly agree the second one just wasn't as good. I didn't like the movie though for some reason it was almost too real, like reading about it was one thing but then seeing it was another.
  15. Sweets

    What are you currently Reading?

    Love in the time of Cholera-Gabriel Garica Marquez
  16. Sweets

    Angelas Ashes

    Has anyone read this?? I think its absolutely amazing, Frank McCourts description is so evocate and his life itself it just amazing. Its deffinetly one of my favourite books. What does every1 else think?
  17. Sweets


    I'm actually Muslim and i have been on Hajj...i wouldn't call myself really religious though...i'm disenchanted with organised religion, although i believe in god. Hajj was an amazing experience though for me, even though i was soo young..its amazing all the people of different races/social...
  18. Sweets

    Playing It Straight

    Omg it does sound positively gag'll probably get pulled after a couple of weeks like the resort ect
  19. Sweets

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Ok are we moving to this whole it was justified because they removed a dictarorial govenment. Why doesn't America go remove that despotic tyranical oil nation posing to be a democratic country, oh wait they already have their oil. Oh yeh what abou all the corrup rulers in Africa...oh wait there...
  20. Sweets

    Improving my handwriting

    Once my english teacher (who was a bitch, thank god i dont have her now) said looking at my writing (my old writing) made her head hurt :p